Okay, here are ALL of the dragon images!!!! ONLY take your color(s)- I repeat- ONLY take YOUR specified color(s)!!! Anyone caught taking more than specified will be banned from all of my agencies and MANY MANY more!!! So DON'T DO IT!!!
Also, don't change these images in anyway unless you contact me first, or contact me BEFORE you actually use the image anywhere!! They are not to be used in any private collection- they are MMYY images- made by me, © by ~Lady Maya~- or me, and are MMIINNEE!! Thanks!!!

Now, please place these guys where ever they need to be, and send me an e-mail at dscount@toad.net with their URL's ASAP!!! Thanks!!!! Also, TRY to make up a little story for them- don't just throw them up with their stats and than leave them be!!!

And, finally, first off- here is their eggs!!! ALL eggs are the same!!

Link SOMETHING back to my page at http://geocities.datacellar.net/SouthBeach/Lights/7668/adoptionagency.html !!!!! You MUST do this!!!

Well, here are the dragons!! Enjoy- they are ALL hatchlings, and images are for both male AND female dragons!!!!

Special Easter:

Special St. Patrick's:






Special Thanskgiving:

Special "Twins":