Isn't this is amazing?
I don't know who wrote this code, but it sure is clever.
Move the mouse around and watch what happens.
Hi, My name is Joe, and I am from Florida and this is my web page. I am married to the most wonderful woman in the world for the past 50 something years, and we have 4 daughters, and 9 grandchildren,2 great grandchildren,several granddogs,grandcats, and 2 grandbirds, oh and a very spoiled poodle named Tar.Bet you can't guess who Tar is? LOL.I like to go fishing, and I am a computer music guru, I also am a whiz at repairing TV's and VCR's. Can repairing Computers be next? |
Here I am!
Me and one of my grandpuppies, Jenny.
These are two of my daughters, Robin and Chrissy, when they were little, many, many, many years ago.
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