Join the P.U.P. Webring

Note that this does not insert you in the Ring. It merely makes you known to the P.U.P. People United for PetsWebring, and gives you a site id number. The actual insertion to the Ring is done later.
Your page's URL:
Your page's title:
Your e-mail address:
Your name:
Enter up to 20 Keywords
Password: (WRITE THIS DOWN!! It is VERY important!!)

You will receive the correct HTML code for your specific site number in the e-mail telling you that you have been added to the queue. Cut and paste this HTML to your webpage and upload the graphics.
Once added it should look like the webring logo at the bottom of this page!
When you have done this, e-mail me (e-mail: telling me your site ID and your URL (address) . Take note: If I view your page but the HTML fragment has not been added, then your site will not be accepted.
If you have any questions or comments, E-mail:

So You Want to Change Your Profile?

This is for Members Only and is of no use at all to non-members. This is used to change your profile if something has changed (ie -- you've moved and you have a new URL or a new e-mail address). You can also change your password, delete yourself from the ring, etc. Just put in the correct information below and make your changes on the screen that follows it.

Site ID:

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Want to join the P.U.P. People United for Pets?
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