Must See Sites

The Fund for Animals The Fund for Animals was
founded in 1967 by prominent author and animal
advocate Cleveland Amory, and has spearheaded
some of the most historic and significant events
in the history of the animal protection movement.
With twelve regional offices working on hard-hitting
animal advocacy campaigns, and seven world-famous
animal care facilities, The Fund is one of the
largest and most active organizations working
for the cause of animals throughout the world.

Doris Day Animal League "The animals can't lobby
Congress, they can't vote and speak out against
the agonizing tortures being inflicted upon
them every day. We must do it for them." Doris Day

In Defense of Animals In Defense of Animals
is dedicated to ending the exploitation and
abuse of animals by defending their rights,
welfare and habitat.

International Primate Protection League
International Primate Protection League
PO Box 766 * SUMMERVILLE * SC 29484 * USA
SINCE 1973: Working to protect Gorillas
and all living primates

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