Çhance, the name, was chosen due to our superstitious belief that dogs named 'lucky' often brought their owners luck. The name Asher too, was a fabrication of that myth. Çhance, to this day, has yet to prove the myth true. According to Melissa, he only brought her worry, financial problems and responsibility. But I know better... Çhance gave her laughter, endless joy and unconditional love. I remember the time Melissa and Bernard had Çhance - he amused us to end with his tactics - hopping like a lamb, pouncing on imaginary prey, baying relentlessly, sulking when he couldn't get his way. He had an expression for every thing! He would plead with his eyes when he wanted something, drool when he's hungry, furrow his brows when he's angry and whimper when he couldn't get to sleep. Asher was the complete opposite - he has never been vocal (never howled/bayed/whimpered) and he wasn't animated. Çhance reveled in the attention and enjoyed being the entertainer. He also made friends fast, always willing to find a playmate or a human to charm. Çhance had an uncanny intelligence which sometimes served him in the 'wrong' ways - soon after we marveled at his new self-taught trick, he would often be punished. Since Çhance left Australia in December'98, both he and Asher has never been the same. Even though we have tried finding friends for them, they never played with other dogs with the same relish and enthusiasm they have with each other. Çhance has become an invaluable part of Melissa's and Bernard's life, and has etched a permanent niche in their families' hearts. Çhance was also a catalyst in my friendship with Melissa, we developed an amazing sense of closeness because we had that one thing in common. We shared the trials and tribulations of newly-discovered motherhood - an experience we both will never forget. It would not be another two years before Asher can see Çhance and I pray, that they will not forget each other.


Full name Chance Wong
Meaning of name "Luck" in French
Date of Birth 2 July 1998
Color Tri
Nationality Australian
Dad & Mom Bernard & Melissa
Least Favored personality trait Tempermental
Most loved characteristic Affectionate
Most distinctive trait Playful
Most obvious physical flaw Wrinkles on forehead

Sitting pretty for this picture - 8 weeks

His appealing expression captured in this shot


Loving his run at 8 months

For more pictures, visit the Photogallery

Created by Morta|siN