Meet the Duchess

Allison, Her Meezerness, the Duchess of Yowl

This is Allison, my Chocolate Point siamese. She is 8 years old and is named after Davey Allison, one of our favorite NASCAR drivers. Davey was killed in a helicopter accident at Talledaga Racetrack in July of 1993.

The Duchess is quite an actress. She has starred in "Spacecats" and "Wild West Cats" and "Pirate Cats" on the SICC bulletin board. Fellow actors and actresses were The Wonderful Capitan Hawke, Queen Daphine of the lilac persuasion, Ramona - deep, dark, and mysterious, Tasha Toenails, a jungle girl, Nikita, from the Great White North, Sir Mork, defender of the faith, and many, many more. The villian is always the Imposter, Orangello who is always kittynapping the Duchess and everyone else always comes to her rescue....a bunch of silly stories, which all of the particpants greatly enjoy.

She is also very attached to her friends, the fish...

She is so attached to the fish, that we got her a bigger fish tank - she'll like these fish - salt water and very colorful!

This is a brand new tank...soon as fish are in it, we'll put more pictures up, so stay tuned!

Allison lives in Round Rock, Texas (yes, the town is named after a round rock)

Her pal, Mr. Godzilla Leeeeeezzzard lives in her back yard - he's a big guy, too!