Hi I'm Buster

I love my humans very much.

There is, in our pack, an alpha female (mom) and an alpha male (dad),and, of course, my underling sister, Mandy. She is, as all sister’s can be, a pain in the 'you know what' at times! but she’s kind of cool. As she looks up to me, ( she’s so small she looks up to everyone) I have taken it upon myself to teach her all about life..


First of all there is our territory, our house and garden. This is Mandy on the bridge Mandy on bridge

Hiding place The view from one of my hiding places
I really like the garden,

 but not as much as Mandy does.

 She sits outside all the time and loves to smell the herbs and flowers.

Day LilyHandel climbing rose

Day lily and rose


My main duty in life is to keep marking out our territory.
In plain language that means lifting my leg. I have done it everywhere, but it still needs to be done everyday, just to warn the pesky crows and cats that like to sneak into our yard. Our favorite spot is under the big trees at the back of the yard. It’s cool there and shady, and more importantly, it’s right beside the fence that needs guarding constantly.

I even managed to "mark" the arbor that my people put up, before it went up.

That was a good one!!

This is the Arbour just after I marked it.

Spring 1997

I can jump very high, in fact I loved to jump so much as a youngster that I could almost reach my humans face. When we went for walks (which I love, by the way) I would hop along beside my humans, just to be closer to them. For some strange reason, that I haven’t figured out, they don’t like me doing that, so I try to restrain myself now that I am older. I am 6 yrs old now, and have to try and be a good example to my sister who’s only 2. She has a funny habit of sticking her little nose through a knot in the fence and sniffing so loudly, that it cracks my humans up completely! I don’t understand why they laugh at her, except for the fact it’s very loud, she is after all just scenting the air next door.



Watering can This is the watering can.

Mom waters the flowers

I water the can 

I like to smell things that my humans don’t like at all, it’s very strange..if I find a good smell I even roll in it. My humans get very annoyed with me, and usually drag me away, and sometimes I even get the DREADED BATH!!! Personally I think I smell very nice, especially when I’ve rolled in something good..I still try to be the leader of this pack, every now and then I try to boss mom around. I can get away with it for a little while, and then she gets mad at me. Just this morning when we were going for our daily walk, I was pulling her and jumping on her in my excitement, and out of the blue, she grabs my leash and makes me lie down. I guess it worked, because I can’t do anything when she’s making me lie down. Bummer!

is the 

(tree ?)

And here is our patio 
The Perennial border.
I think my humans are clever to put this on the computer but they can't put smells on the web. They are missing the best part.


Palace Purple

A lovely low plant 

 just my size
Palace Purple


Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed my short but informative tour of my garden. My sister Mandy is trying to get me to play with her now, I keep telling her I’m too grown up but she won’t listen. Oh, oh, the plastic bone, she’s got the plastic bone. She’s shoving it in my face trying to get me interested. But I’m NOT! Bark! Bark!, sorry, I can’t help myself,
gotta go. She’s got the PLASTIC BONE!!!

Some other places you can go

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