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Welcome To Sam's Page!

This page was made especially for my dog, Sam!!!!

Mozart's 40th

Sam (short for Samantha) is a full bred mutt. She is beagle, basset....who knows! She has floppy ears, a long tongue, and a very active tail. (She also has stinky breath) Sam is an adopted dog. We got her from the Humane Society when she was about nine months old. Her full story can be found here. Her approximate birthdate is 10/3/88.
I am sad to announce that Sammy crossed the Rainbow Bridge in June of 2005 at the age of 15.

You can send her a message by clicking on any clownfish!
Did you know that every image in my site is a link? Where do they go? It's a suprise!

This is Sam sleeping on the chair

Here are some more pictures of her!

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The clownfish will let you sign Sam's guestbook!

Oscar will let you view Sam's guestbook!

Sam's newest addition! A voting booth! Let us know what you think.
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And of course, what site would be complete without Awards Sam has Won
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Please remember, love is for everybody, regardless of sexuality! It's okay to be gay!

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