Please read this important information!!!!

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This is a very important message that I hope you will not just disregard. I hope you tell all your friends so that they may tell all of theirs. You may have heard this before but please read this. You may have gotten false information and It is important that you get set straight.

Every day Hundreds of animals are killed due to unwanted babies. If you get a dog or cat please, do us and your pet a favor. Get him/her neutered/spayed. Just look at these pictures. These wonderful animals are going to be killed if no one offers a home to them. There are thousands more just like these that need a home. There a plenty breeders out there and although more are welcome we want only highly trained professionals. Do not buy from a breeder who will not take back the pup/kitten if you don't want him/her anymore. Soon to come are tips on selecting the right dog/cat so that you wont buy the wrong dog/cat and then end up putting them in a shelter.

Fact: Each day 10,000 humans are born in the U.S. - and each day 70,000 puppies and kittens are born.

Fact: every year 4 to 6 million animals are euthanized because there are no homes for them.

Fact: Spaying or Neutering can make your pet healthier and happier

Fact: Not spaying because you want your child to experience child birth is not a good enough reason.



Why You Should Spay or Neuter Your Pet
Spay and Neuter Information Page
Spay or Neuter Surgery


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