Prairiebluffs Australian Shepherds

Welcome to Prairiebluffs Australian Shepherds

Prairiebluffs is a small kennel located in the Twin Cities area in Minnesota. Currently there is only one spayed female owned, but there are plans to acquire a puppy in the near future. To find out more about us you can go to the about us page of this website.

Prairiebluffs Menu
Dogs LittersPicturesShow Results
What is an Australian ShepherdThe Colors of the Australian ShepherdIntroducing Your Puppy to a Resident PetYour New Aussie Puppy
Housebreaking TipsTraining Your Australian ShepherdShould You Breed Your BitchPet SterilizationAbout Us

For more information please contact:
Denise Keller
Minneapolis, MN

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