BarJ Rat Terriers
Waco, Texas
Puppies Available ~ Will Ship

Click here to see some of our dogs!

We raise toy and tiny toy rat terriers, the dogs everyone has always wanted, but never knew existed.. the tiniest versions of the wonderful rat terriers that Teddy Roosevelt brought to the white house to rid it of a rat infestation, and captured his heart as well. My grandparents had a series of them while I was growing up, as did most farmers in the area. Highly intelligent and trainable, they are loyal loving members of a family, active, gentle with children and alert watch dogs. Nothing slips by a rat terrier. We aim for wide chests, great musculature and erect ears , with a gentle breaking forehead . We specialize in rare colors, like chocolate, red and tan. With their sturdy good health, they live about 19 years. But their looks are not why we love them... it is the great heart and personality contained in these little bodies. Here are some pictures of our babies.. (bear with me, as I do better at dogs than I do building web sites) we hope you enjoy them...

Send Barb and Jim some email

This Rat Terrier Ring site owned by Barbara Mitchell.

This Rat Terrier Lover's siteowned by Barbara.
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