Where Working Ability Counts


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KENSITA AKITAS endeavours to provide the responsible dog owner with a loving, loyal and regal companion. Puppies are offered for sale to those new owners willing to make a responsible, disciplined and caring home for the next ten to fifteen years. Every effort has been made to ensure trueness in type, quality, substance and above all, temperament.

 A great deal of time is taken in deciding upon approved bitches and males. Not only are we looking for substance and type but working ability. SUELANGAN’S ATIKA NO KUMA, T.D. attained her tracking title at the tender age of 9 months and still remains the youngest Akita bitch in Canada to attain this tile. "Teak" is our resident couch potato at 6 years of age and helps us keep the younger ones in line.

 Our resident young male, CANADIAN CHAMPION SUNSTONE’S MAKE MY DAY is currently awaiting his results for hip, eye and elbow clearances. "Kaz" will be heading to the United States to earn his American Championship in the near future. In the meantime, he is a certified Therapy Dog with St. John Ambulance, is training for his T.D. and C.D. and is a true ambassador of everything an Akita should be. 


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Kensita Akitas, 2040 Gallagher Rd., Kelowna BC, Canada Phone: (250) 765-8141 or 717-9740

This page ă 1998, S. van Hees