This is Dannielle.

Dannielle is 11 years old. She is in the 6th
grade. She loves to read. Her favorite books are Babysitters Club and Animorphs.
She generally gets A's and B's in school.

Dannielle loves the outdoors and spends time there year round. She is a native of Arizona.

Dannielle hopes to one day become a
Veterinarian. She loves animals and lives with 2 cats, 1 dog, 4 birds and a aquarium full of fish.

This is Damien
AKA Tazmanian Damien

Damien is 4 years old. He loves animals and is seen with Tissue in this photo. He loves being outside and barefooted.

Damien plans to one day play basketball better then Michael Jordan. Damien is a big fan of Michael Jordan.

Damien is also native to Az.

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