Asperger Syndrome

End of the year 2003 I had diagnosis Asperger Syndrome
Finlally I had an answer to my endless questions why it has been so difficult to make myself untestod by other people and why too many people thought I was stupid or even mentally handicap. It is quite frustrating, if people think you are stupid, but you are just normally intelligent.
Asperger Syndrome gave me answer to all that and many other question and things.

If you are interested in knowing how it goes in my head, I will make some good links here. There are lots of information about Asperger Syndrome in the net.

Jos kiinnostuksesi her�si millainen "kummajainen se oikein on", laitan t�h�n linkkej� Aspergerista. Netist� l�ytyy paljon asiallista tietoa Aspergerista, my�s suomeksi.

T��lt� l�ytyy tietoa ja lis�� linkkej�

If you are also an Asperger and would like to change thoughts, please be free to write.
Jos olet my�s assi ja haluasit vaihdella ajatuksia, laita postia tulemaan.

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Updated 03.04.2009 Tuulia Heikkinen