This page has grown so large over the years, I had to break it up into smaller parts so people could load it faster. Thank you for visiting and I hope you will view all of the pages in this group.
I thought for a really long time how I wanted to do this page. I was sexually abused by a male baby-sitter when I was seven or eight years old. My mother was friends with his mother, and she trusted Tommy to watch my brother and me. Her trust was badly mistaken.
I am now in my early fifties, a Medical Technologist living and working in Indiana, have my Bachelor of Science and Masters of Business Administration degrees, and I am now about to start ing to school for Veterinary Technology. I seem to be living a successful life. I feel inside, however, that most of this is a lie. I have been undergoing treatment for depression for several years now, and I am on medication, probably for the rest of my life.
One of the main reasons I wanted to do this page was to help people realize that any abuse can affect a child for the rest of their lives. I should say will, rather than can. It WILL affect them. I have never forgotten my abuse. Some people will forget, or actually repress, the memory of their abuse. This is a survival mechanism only. I believe that the mind will protect the child until they are able to deal with their abuse. I would also like to say that children learn from their elders. Most people who abuse were once abused themselves. Please, please stop this cycle.
Abuse Page 2
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Geocities for providing this space.
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I am in the process of getting a new guestbook, since my old one disppeared from the net(?!). In the meantime, please view
my old guestbook.