Brookline, Massachusetts

(781) 961-6952 or Laura.Macdonald.b@Bayer.com

Coming Soon - PARROT SHOW!!

Parrot Show Sunday, August 29th, 1999 held at the American Legion Post, 386 Washington Street Brookline, MA. We will have an S.P.B.E. judge to judge all hookbills. There will be a large pet division with awards for Best Talker, Best Condition, Best Cage Set-up, etc. If you would like an update on current information or can offer your help, please call Laura (781)961-6952 or email Sloane Crawford at sloanec@worldnet.att.net

AFA 25th Annual Convention August 11-15, 1999 in Denver Colorado, at the Adams Mark Hotel. Check http://www.upatsix.com/afa for more info.


The Corporation is organized for the purpose of educating its members and the general public on the proper care, nutrition, maintenance and breeding of exotic birds; to provide meetings in the Greater Boston area to share information, exchange ideas, hold lectures, discussions, workshops, shows and other events in support of its goals; to provide educational, informative articles and pertinent information whenever possible through the monthly newsletter; to support avian research related to nutrition, reproduction, and the study of disease in exotic birds; to encourage the breeding of color mutations and the exhibition of exotic birds in accordance with national show standards; to encourage selective breeding, closed banding and record keeping; to annually affiliate with the National Cockatiel Society and the American Federation of Aviculture; and to encourage ethical and constructive interactions between its members and fellow aviculturists.

History of AGB

Aviculturists of Greater Boston, Inc. was originally brought into existence in 1985 as an educational, tax-exempt, non-profit organization under the name of Boston Cockatiel Society, Inc. In 1996, members decided to undergo a name change with the recognition that the majority of the group was working with species in addition to cockatiels. Today AGB is comprised of breeders, pet owners and bird enthusiasts specializing in cockatiels, parrots, budgies, finches, canaries, lovebirds and more. We invite you to join us today!


AGB meets on the first Sunday of each month (excluding July and August). Occasionally meetings are rescheduled if a major holiday should fall during the first weekend of the month (i.e. Labor Day). Meetings begin at 5:00 p.m. at the Veterans Post/Legion Hall of 386 Washington Street in Brookline, Massachusetts. Details of Business are conducted at monthly Board of Directors meetings and are kept to a minimum at membership meetings. Our meetings emphasize educational programs and networking opportunities, plus raffles and more. VISITORS ARE WELCOME AND MAY ATTEND TWO REGULAR MEETINGS FREE BEFORE DECIDING TO JOIN. The Snow Emergency Hotline Numbers are (781) 961-6952 or (617) 469-0557.



From Route 128 take Route 9 East for approximately 5 miles (to Brookline) and at the Mobil Station, turn left onto Cypress Street. Turn right onto Washington Street just before Village Fare Pizza. Hall is immediately on the right #386 Washington St. Public Transportation take MBTA Green Line to Brookline Village or Brookline Hills.

NEWS FLASH: AGB Members Hit Top Bench at 1998 National Cage Bird Show in Chicago!!

Above: Morgan, a Brown Headed Parrot owned by Katy Secor won Best Parrot in Show and took home his second Kellogg trophy. (Photo by Gary Morgan).

Above Left: Ceasar, a Cutthroat Finch owned by Laura Macdonald won 9th Best Finch in Show. Above Right: PeeWee, a Fischer's Lovebird also owned by Laura Macdonald, won 11th Best Lovebird in Show. (Photos by Laura Macdonald).