Hi, my name is Cait and I'm Karen's (this website's owner) daughter. I'd just like to let everyone know that the site will no longer be updated because my mom died last august 10th 2005. Its a long story and all and this isnt the place to tell it. If you'd like to talk to me about anything, bunnies or not, feel free to email me at sailorwigglytuff@hotmail.com. Thank you for your interest in Spring Valley Rabbitry.


Update(10-5-06): Our rabbitry is down to about 14 rabbits. We no longer breed them, and have no baby bunnies. Because my mom was sick, she really couldn't do more than feed and water them. Consequently, the rabbits were not maintained properly, resulting in long toenails and broken toes. The rest of our stock is also old. (4-5+ years)
Because of this many rabbits are no longer show worthy and not for sale. Please don't e-mail regarding buying any rabbits or updating this site. Thank you.


Welcome to SpringValley

What's New on this site?

Breeding by the moon | How much time will you spend on your new rabbitry? | Tons of pedigreed, show rabbits for sale! (updated 6/27/04)

Never heard of a self-chin or self-squirrel?

Have a genetic quandry? Read this article and then Email me at kmnewberry@hotmail.com

Read here about a breeder who asked me how she got a 'seal' out of a chin/self X self/tort line Misty's Question

Have your own virtual rabbitry--it's fun, free and just as frustrating as a real rabbitry (only no poop to scoop).

My attempt to pose Netherland Dwarfs. Pictures of good and bad poses. Updated 1/24/02!
A list of all known genotypes and the varieties that each breeds recognized. If your breed is not on there...please Email me. Â
A nestbox heater from Swihart's rabbit habit, build your own nestboxes at Cooley's country critters! Â
Not sure what you are looking at? Don't understand the dwarf standard? Take a different look at the standard of perfection in pictures! Â
Make your own pedigrees, it's fun and easy and can make them as unique as you want them!
Finally fixed link (1/13/02). Take this quick (and fun) quiz to determine what color your newborn bunny is! This quiz is for fun only!
Pictures of the birth of a bunny (it's only taken me 2 years to get these pictures...does are camera shy!)--these are not TOO graphic. They show the process from nestbuilding to week old buns.
Table listing correct surface, eye, ring and undercolor by variety
Teach yourself color coat genetics and heredity..easy to understand and step by step! ALWAYS Under construction!
21 +/- tips on starting out with Netherland Dwarfs
SpringValley's Grand Champions--also Website Awards
Different styles of hutchs

Read how our cat tooter saved a litter of bunnies--also, an egg laying Holland Lop
Thumbnails of Netherland Dwarfs
Thumbnails of Himalayans
Thumbnail page of pictures taken at the 1999 convention in Louisville KY
Some people say you can increase the number of bucks or does in a litter, also improve quality by breeding by the moon.
One of our many different feeding program
Take a look at the statistical probability of obtaining a show quality ND, also how BUBs and BUDs can work in your rabbitry.
Tips on writing for a judge (written by Don Havlicek--ARBA judge)
First Aid chart to print out [page setup margin must be set close to 0.1" to print entire table]
Also, a page I made with information on the botfly we found on our rabbit a few years ago. Â
Extreme hot and cold weather tips
What to do if your bunny has bad teeth
How to hand feed an orphaned litter

Color Breeding

What will you get?
Breeding a self color rabbit to a self colored rabbit; a shaded to a shaded; agouti to an agouti; tan to a tan; or AOV to AOV

tan, agouti, shaded or AOV rabbit
a tan or an AOV rabbit
an agouti, tan or AOV
Compatible Colors-Email me with your thoughts about these charts!
Tips on tatoo'ing your rabbits.
My webring page
Charts include date to add nestbox, date doe is due and date to wean litter & rebreed doe. Click on the date that your doe was bred. Note:All charts may not be done at this time...
Netherland Dwarf Group showing order with pictures of my rabbits as examples--these pictures were not scanned from the ANDRC guidebook and are all that were either born here or rabbits that I bought, also Genotypes of the varieties, pictures include varieties such as blue silver martens and choclate otters.
Click Here to view pictures of unrecognized varieties of dwarfs and look at my progress with the broken variety of netherland dwarfs!
See what a 10 13 year old can do on to a website. [Link Removed]
MY favorite area....A bunch of rabbitry forms you can print out and use.Record Cards, Show entry forms, weightcharts, show preparation. ND and Himi cull form-Version 2, also English Angora cull form. Print out carrier cards, for sale cards, hutch cards, weight cards, show placement cards for carrier card holders up to 4 X 6" hutch card holders!
An easy method for determining which bunnies to keep
Ideas on culling if white nails is a problem

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This page updated on March 10, 2004

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