The longest reptile is the Estuarine Crocodile of South East Asia. It can grow up to 7m (23 ft).
Crocodiles have strange toothbrushes! Plovers use their long beaks to peck bits of food and parasites from between the crocodile's teeth.
Crocodiles are in much greater danger from people, than we are from them.
The Nile crocodile carries its young in its mouth.
The smallest crocodile is the Dwarf Caiman which is 1.2m (4 ft) long.
A crocodile lurks in the river waiting for prey to come along and drink. Then it grabs the animal and pulls it into the water to drown it.
A crocodile's teeth are perfect for gripping food, but they are not so good at slicing and chewing. The creature has to tear off chunks of flesh.
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