The largest turtle is the leatherback turtle which can weigh up to 450kg (1000lb) and averages between 1.8 - 2.1m (6 - 7ft)
Fastest turtle is a Pacific leatherback at a speed of 35km/h (22 mph)
Deepest dive is the Leatherback turtle as a depth of 1200m (3973 ft)
Sea turtles have a remarkable ability to eat Portuguese Man of War jellyfish without seeming to come to harm.
The oldest is from the Seychelles and is over 150 years old.
Tortoise-shell comes from a turtle not a tortoise
Unlike most other turtles, an adult leatherback has scales on its shell. Instead the shell is hidden under a layer of rubbery skin.
Terrapins are small turtles that live mainly in freshwater. Many are brightly coloured
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