Clans and Clan Leaders
Here are other clans who have web pages for you to visit and consider for joining.  They are grouped into categories. 
*Ravenlock Clan led by Asya Ravenlo Ames Clan led by Sybil Ames
*Caelum Clan led by Falcon and Hyacinth
Rosethorn Clan
*Deniker Clan led by Arnisaya Deniker
Bloodred Clan led by River Bloodred
*The Blackstone Clan led by Devalina Blackstone
*Deniker Clan headed by Arnisaya Deniker
Draven Clan led by Sable Draven
*Cabot Clan led by Wren Cabot
Fox clan led by Velpecula Fox
Drygdwyn clan led by Tvashtri Drygdwin
*Rosewood Clan led by Sapphira Rosewood *Cabot Clan led by Wren Cabot
*Caelum Clan led by Falcon and Hyacinth Vesuvius Clan led by Chantrea Vesuvius.
MacLeod Clan led by Starhawk MacLeod
Di Willows Clan led by Diamond Di Willow
Sundance clan led by Loreanna Sundance
Trixx Clan led by Trixx.
Halloway Clan led by ? Halloway.
Kyla Clan led by ? Kyla.
Old Souls
Montreg Clan led by Montreg.
Others (includes combinations of one or more NW race
Wolf Clan led by Lamia Wolf
Fox Clan led by ? Fox
* means the clan will except crossbreeds

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