Thanks For Stopping By!

Here's what I have to say... name is Ed and this is my own page to let you know what's going on in the Bear House. I've been very busy lately creating these web pages for the family. Just sitting down with our three animals and discussing with them what they wanted on their pages was exhausting. Now it's my turn! Despite what the animals have wrote, nobody is getting abused in our house. We think of our animals as our children and treat them accordingly. You could really say their spoiled rotten! Now about meee! I'm 35 years old and married to a wonderful woman named Kelly. I'm a paramedic working for Huron Valley Ambulance in the Detroit area. I'm a newcomer to the web and all of this has been a lot of fun for me. I hope this site will keep growing as my time and knowledge permit. So check back later and see what other wonderful things I've figured out to do. Hang loose till then!!!!!

Links to other sites on the Web

Huron Valley Ambulance

Go See My Loved Ones!

My Sweetheart!


Bubba Dude-a-ronomy Head

Fuzzy Won Cannoli


This is what my heart does when I see Kellybear!!