Construction Log June 25-29
Week of June 25th through June 29th
The holes for the footings were dug and the drain tile installed Monday and the footings themselves were poured. On Tuesday, they snapped the chalk lines for the outer wall locations. On Thursday morning, the cement crew erected all the forms for the basement and garage walls. We stopped by the lot on our lunch break and were able to get some pictures as the first cement truck pulled up. We passed another truck headed to the homesite on our way back too work. I'm not sure how many truckloads in all it took. Friday morning, the crew was back and removed all the forms from the new walls. The frsh cement will have the weekend to cure, and then we will be ready for the floor to be built and framing to begin!
Here are some pics of the footings:

A view from the front

The same view with the rooms labled

A view from the garage side

A view from the other side

Here are some pics of the forms and cement pour:

The cement mixer pulls right up to the edge

The cement is poured into the form

The crewman guides the flow of concrete

Here's the finished product:

The crew removes the forms

The basement from the garage side

The walls from the other side

The walls from the rear of house

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