Construction Log - May
Where to begin...hmm. First the earth cooled, then the dinosaurs came... oops, maybe that's too far back. <g>  Our search for a lot began in earnest late in January of this year.  We wanted a secluded wooded spot near work.  We thought we had found it at Sunset Ridge, but first we had to resolve an issue with the hounds.  The convenents as written would have restricted us to just two animals.  Since the whole idea of moving was to make our lives and the Sweetihounds' lives better, this wouldn't do.  After much going back and forth, the two dog restriction was lifted in late April.  Unfortunately, just before we were to close on the lot and begin construction, another issue came up - a DNR imposed special well casement zone.

As a precaution, the DNR had put our lot, along with a couple dozen nearby homes and farms in a special casement zone.  New wells within the zone have to be drilled 150 feet deeper than normal for the area.  Existing wells are unaffected.  Once again, it was time to go back and forth to come to an agreement on where the extra $10,000 in drilling expense was coming from.  As of today, 5/21 it looks like an agreement is forthcoming this week that would insure we pay no more than our original budgeted amout for well drilling and would allow us to get building and into our home in mid-September!
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