"Somewhere In Time"

Our Flop Dog "Listen To The
Scrapy Doo

Be Their Voice
Choose To Help Stop Cruelty

My little dog, Beenie, and me
My littlest dog, "Beenie"

Come on in, and whether you are a dog person, a cat person,
or a person person, we guarantee you will leave loving one of
our precious pets. You will also find here, animal rights issues
and links to lots more. The animals who share this earth with us
don't have much of a chance with all the ways man can think of to
torture and torment them. Cats are so maligned and there is no sense
in it. What are people, Afraid of them,
or what? Because there certainly isn't anything to hate
about a cat or a kitten. The only time a cat is a problem is
when in heat or on the prowl.....But we all know that should
never happen to our pets, right? A neutered cat is just like
a dog, the most loving, loyal creature. And they love their
homes and stay there.

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The Humane Society of The United States Fact Sheet
(Please check this site. It explains the connection
of brutality really well.)

It is not something new, seems that ALL killers practiced their
deadly trade on innocent pets.
Here are just a few:

Albert DeSalvo: Serial Killer, Rapist
The self-confessed "Boston Strangler" who killed thirteen women in 1962-3 and was sentences to life imprisonment. In his youth, trapped dogs and cats in orange crates and shot arrows through the boxes.
Edmund Emil Kemper lll: Serial Killer, Cannibal
Convicted in 1973 on eight counts of first-degree murder for killing eight women, including his mother. At thirteen he killed neighborhood cats (sometimes burying them alive) and put their heads on poles. He sliced off the top of one cat's head with a machete, decapitated another one and killed his own cat then decapitated and cut the animal into small pieces. This is exactly what he did to his mother in later years, after killing her. "Practice makes perfect, eh?"
David Berkowitz: Serial Killer
New York City's "Son of Sam" gunman who pleaded guilty to thirteen murder and attempted murder charges, abused neighborhood dogs and shot a neighbor's Labrador retriever because, Berkowitz claimed, the dog was the "spiritual force" that compelled him to kill.
Brenda Spencer: Mass Murderer
Fired forty shots from a rifle at arriving San Diego school children, fatally wounding two and injuring nine others. During the subsequent investigation, neighbors informed police that Ms. Spencer had repeatedly abused dogs and cats, often by setting their tails on fire.
Carroll Edward Cole: Serial Killer
One of the most prolific killers in modern history, was executed in December of 1985 for five of the thirty-five murders of which he was accused. Mr. Cole had said that his first act of violence as a child was to strangle a puppy.
James Huberty: Mass Murderer
In 1984, Huberty was shot by police after killing twenty-one children and adults at a McDonalds restaurant in San Ysidro, California. As a teenager, Huberty had been accused of having shot his neighbor's dog with an airgun.
Jeffrey L. Dahmer: Serial Killer, Sexual Deviant, Cannibal
Dahmer confessed to killing, dismembering and, in some cases, cannibalizing, 17 men and boys. As a child, Dahmer impaled frogs, decapitated dogs, and staked cats to trees in his backyard. Dahmer was convicted to death but before the sentence was carried out he was killed by another inmate in 1994.
Ted Bundy: Serial Killer, Rapist
Bundy killed numerous females who looked like a woman for whom he had a passion. In the 1970s he brought fear to college campuses in many states after killing 3 women in the Chi Omega sorority house in Florida State University. He was ultimately convicted of two killings, but is suspected of murdering over 40 females, primarily in the northwest. During his childhood he witnessed his father's brutality toward animals and he himself tortured animals. Bundy was executed in Florida.

Sorry, couldn't help myself!
Sorry, couldn't help myself!!"
Richard Allen Davis:
Convicted killer and rapist of 12 year old Polly Klaas. Davis was charged with kidnapping Polly Klaas, 12, from her own bedroom in her home, then raping and strangling her to death. As a 14-year-old he set cats on fire and used dogs as targets to practice knife-throwing. In 1993 he was charged with the shooting death of Marlene Voris 20 years ago. "When he was little it was animals. When he got bigger it was people." said Zak Backet, a neighbor.
Michael Wayne Echols (18), Jessie Lloyd Misskelley Jr. (17), Charles Jason Baldwin (16): Monsters, killed three 8-year-old boys
These three teenage boys were arrested in 1993 for the brutal murder of three 8-year-old boys in West Memphis. The three young boys were lured into the woods, beaten into unconsciousness, one was sexually mutilated, another raped, and all three killed. For some time prior to the killing, the three teenagers were involved in satanic-type rituals. During an initiation ceremony they killed dogs, skinned them, and ate their flesh. Echols was also carrying the head of a cat with him.
Earl Kenneth Shriner: Sexual Predator, Killer, and Rapist
Shriner used threats to lure a 7-year-old boy into a wooded area in Washington state where he raped him, cut off his penis, choked him, stabbed him in the back and neck, and left him for dead. At the age of 16, he confessed to the killing of a teen-age girl. Police say he "was a man who put firecrackers in the anuses of dogs and strung up cats." He was committed to a state mental hospital after several incidents, including the slaughter of nearly two dozen chickens.
Eric Smith: Adolescent Killer of 4-year-old boy
When Eric Smith was 13 years old, he bludgeoned 4-year-old Derrick Robic to death and was charged with murder. Four years prior to the killing of Derrick, Smith killed the neighbor's cat with a garden hose. There are no specific reasons why he killed the little boy or the cat.
Thomas Lee Dillion: Murderer and Suspected Serial Killer
Dillion is said to be a serial killer. Dillion admitted to the shooting of Gary Bradley in 1992, while both were hunting. Dillion, an ardent hunter who also boasted of killing more than 1000 animals in illegal drive-by-shootings, is serving a life sentence in Ohio on five murder convictions.
Michael Cartier: Stalker and Murderer
In 1992, Cartier stalked and killed Kristen Lardner in Boston, Massachusetts and then killed himself. In a prior relationship, Cartier held his girlfriend's kitten under a hot shower and then shaved all its hair off. Later he hurled it through a fourth floor window to its death. For more information, see "The Stalking of Kristen" by George Lardner.
Keith Jesperson: Serial Murderer and Rapist
Jesperson is presently in prison in Washington state, convicted of 3 murders. Jesperson was dubbed the "Happy Face Killer" by authorities after he started sending neatly printed letters to the media with happy faces drawn at the top in which he boasted of his deeds. He has claimed a total of 166 victims.
Jesperson attributed the onset of his compulsion to kill to his history of killing dozens of cats and other small animals.
Jason Massey: Murderer and Rapist
At the age of 20, Massey killed, mutilated and beheaded a thirteen-year-old girl and shot her fourteen-year-old step-brother. The young girl had been sexually mutilated and disemboweled. As a teenager, Massey often cut the heads off dogs and cats and carried them around in a rusty metal cooler. He called these animals heads his "trophies." He is also suspected of killing and mutilating a calf.
Andrew Cunanan: Spree Killer and Murderer of beloved designer, Versace.
In 1997 Cunanan was suspected of killing five people, before taking his own life on a houseboat in Miami. An ex-roommate of Cunanan's saw him gather crabs at the beach, light a match and burn the eyes out. Cunanan watched the burned area sizzle and then let them go.
Luke Woodham: Mass Murderer
Teenager Luke Woodham is accused of stabbing his mother to death and shooting nine high school students in Pearl, Mississippi in 1997. Two of the nine students died, including Woodham's ex-girlfriend. Authorities in Pearl found evidence of a secret society involved in satanic worship and subsequently arrested six more teenagers, on the suspicion they planned to kill again. Members of this society tortured and killed Woodhams' dog "Sparkle." Woodham led the assault. After brutally beating Sparkle, they set her on fire. Woodham's diary reads, "We sprayed fluid down her throat. Her neck caught on fire inside and out. It was true beauty."
These idiots videotaped the torture killing of the little dog, which took over an hour.
Later, they played the tape for some friends and relived their "wonderful" adventure.
I just cannot comprehend such violence and brutality. Especially when you are not even mad at the victim. What could possibly make someone want to cause pain, suffering and death to another living creature that never did anything to them. Just for fun! I do believe I could become pretty irate if I ever came across such a horrendous situation, and would probably be enraged enough by it that I might go temporarily "mad" and be capable of things I could never do in every day, normal life. It sounds weird to me, but the only thing that could bring me to the point of violence is seeing someone or some animal being brutalized with no chance of fighting back. I would lose my mind! And that, my friends, is temporary insanity. Because if I had to witness some of the terrorfying things I have heard about or read about, I know I would go nuts......and just hope I was able to come back!

SICK, SICK, SICK PEOPLE! I certainly hope that in no way, shape or form they would be considered "normal". If that could be true....I am surely insane!

Personal Note:

I watched a program today on the "nightstalker", Richard Ramirez. He was the guy who snuck in to peoples' homes at night and raped and killed them. Young women, elderly women, couples...he was not a discriminating monster. Anyway, they were telling about how he would crawl through windows, or break in back doors to gain entry to the homes and apartments. Well, think about this...I believe all of his victims would be alive today had they had a dog or two inside their house. I have 12 dogs myself. Mostly little ones, but two big ones too and they all sleep in my bedroom, most on the bed. There is absolutely no way anyone could break into my house. If someone was stupid enough to try, after hearing my dogs, they would never make it to me. The dogs would be on them as soon as they got in. And my dogs are not vicious. But they will protect me and they do know when a stranger is around. People need to have dogs. Even little dogs will at least wake you up so you have a chance to defend yourself. Dogs go crazy when they think their master is in any kind of danger and will do whatever they can to protect them.
Just another good reason to have "man's best friend" around.
Because they really are!


All around L.A. people were buying thousands of guns, and thousands of dogs during the nightstalker's reign of terror.
A gun is good, however, ya gotta be awake to use it. If you're awake and ready for an attack, yes, a gun is good protection. But, if you have somethng in the house that is always ready and willing to do whatever is needed to protect its' master, ya may never get the chance to use the gun. Dogs will wake their owner if danger is lurking.
(Of course, people who get dogs and then make 'em live in the backyard would only be protected if they were sleeping in the yard. One's "best friend" needs to be where it's master is in order to protect them.)
Another Richard Ramirez, Ted Bundy etc. could pop up at any time. Why wait until one pops in to visit at three in the AM? All people need is a dog that loves them, and they will be protected from any danger sneaking around. And a dog will love you with almost no effort at all. Feed them and say a kind word now and then and they are hooked. I do advise that they stay in the house, at least at night when a person is so vulnerable to someone who knows exactly how to get in to a house and hurt or kill whoever might be there. In fact, if someone is planning an attack they usually case a house first. I know they would pass right on by my house! I don't think they would ever choose to go into an armed home. They are sneaking in to do their dirty deeds, not to get stopped before they get started. They aren't trying to get caught....not by the dog, the resident or the police.


Sure would have put a crimp in Ramirez' style if all his intended victims were loaded for bear with dogs, like I am! That kind of victim I will never be, to any monsterous killer. First, my dogs, then my gun. It just wouldn't be worth their trouble. They either,

1. would never choose me as their prey,
2. get attacked by my dogs and get the hell out of my house, or
3. get shot by me after my dogs have done their job by alerting me to the danger.

Richard Ramirez would not have had the opportunity to be such a monster had he picked my window to crawl through and me to rape and murder! Never woulda happened. Why? I got Dogs!

funny monkey


Here is an example of exactly what I am talking about. This was in the news today, August 31, 2007.

By DAVID EGGERT, Associated Press Writer LANSING, Mich. - A suspected serial killer has been arrested in the deaths of five women in the city in just over a month — and he is also connected to an assault on a woman whose dog ran the attacker off, police said. Local, state and federal investigators "have taken a collective sigh of relief," police Lt. Judy Horning said. The man, whose name was not released, was not expected to be charged or arraigned until at least Friday. "The despicable individual responsible for this heinous rampage through our community has been captured," Mayor Virg Bernero said. "Our nightmare is over." Police had been looking for clues and help from the public in five homicides since late July, including two this week, in the state capital, a city of 114,000 about 75 miles northwest of Detroit.
A 56-year-old woman was attacked Tuesday in her home, but her dog heard the commotion and charged the man, who fled. Her injuries were not life threatening.
Police credited her with providing key details that helped focus their investigation and led to a sketch of a suspect, but they declined to discuss the circumstances of the arrest or any motive. Investigators had noted similarities between several of the slayings and a series of unsolved 2003 assaults. The 2003 victims were middle-aged or older women who lived alone, as were a number of the recent homicide victims. Carol Wood, a Lansing City Council member, said her first reaction was one of "guarded relief" that police had identified a suspect in the death of her mother, Ruth Hallman, a 76-year-old community activist who was the first of the five women to be killed. "I'm very hopeful," Wood said. Hallman was found beaten in her home July 26 and died later. The other victims are Deborah Cooke, 36; Debra Renfors, 46; Sandra Eichorn, 64; and Karen Yates, 41. Yates was found Wednesday afternoon by people who had come looking to buy a house. She died two days after Eichorn was found dead in the house she rented. Cooke's body was found Aug. 6 in a park, and Renfors was found dead Aug. 9 in a house. See, ya really need to,

GET A DOG!!!!!


If you want a lot of great ideas on how you can get involved
and help the animals, click on the banner below. And be sure to check
out their Factsheet on the parallels between animal cruelty and serial and other killers.
The Humane Society of the United States

Click to visit ME!.

And another great place to check out is

The Animal Channel

Email Me

Bobbie and Carol and the pets
This is a caricature done of my mom and me and some
of our pets by a wonderful artist named Jez Cuer. He
has a website at: www.kitsworld.com. You could get a caricature of your
family or a special loved one. He also does great cat
portraits. You can see on his page just how he does his
work from photos and personality info.

Click here, for a great site about animal rights and issues in Malta!

The Dog House
My Dogs
All 12 of Them!
The Animal House
My dogs again & links
to my other pets!


If people saw how the meat they buy got to
their local markets, most would give up eating it immediately.
Factory farmed food animals suffer the most horrifying lives
and death and are not raised with our health in mind
just the bottom line...meaning GREED!

Please go to Cruelty to Animals: Mechanized Madness
and be an informed meat eater.
Or, better yet, make the decision to become a vegetarian. (see below)

"Chew On This" video

Selena Selena 2
Created in memory of Selena Quintanilla Perez, "Queen of Tejano".

Selena Remembered.Org
Mirror Site (sort of)

Visit my Julio Iglesias site at: Julio, That Voice

Don't be a litterbug

spay/neuter your cats....or?

Be their voice...They have no choice!
Click on the banner above to go to one of my Animal
Rights pages. Sure wish everyone would jump on the
bandwagon and speak up for the innocent, voiceless ones.

This banner will lead you to the pages I have dedicated to my parents. We lost Daddy May 13, 1999 and I miss him very much. He and Mom had been married for 52 years! My Mom, is still my very best friend. Always was, and always will be!


My heartfelt life challenge is trying my best to see more good than bad, more love than hate, more creativity than destruction, more truth than lies, more kindness than cruelty, more sensitivity than apathy, more compassion than egocentricity, more generosity than greed and more hope than despair.

It would be such a better world if only it were true!

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This How Can You NOT Love Them? Ring site is owned by
Carol & Randy.

They have NO voice!
They have NO choice!

The choice is ours.

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Last updated August 31, 2007
Have a Great Summer!
And PLEASE be kind to the animals!
Teach kindness and create more people
with empathy to the suffering of others...
human or animal.

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CC&V4V Carol McEver
All Rights Reserved