seashelli's Page

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seashelli's home page

Hi I'm shelli and welcome to my page. Here you will find my favorite hobby, genealogy. I am currently posting new families and new pages.

On my Genealogy page you will find all of the families I am working on or have worked on. Please stop by and check out the pages. You never know we may have the same families! I also have my vacation pictures from Down East Maine. Vacation and Genealogy!

For those researching Marks genealogy please click below on my Genealogy page. From there there is a page a Continued page from my Rootsweb page. The page contains Old Marks pictures ect. For those who do not know about my Rootweb page there is a link to this page there also.

Matt's page is a page about a little boy in my neighborhood that came down with a rare disease. He was a normal healthy little boy. Stop by and read his story it could happen to any parent!

My Birds Pages

Stop by my Genealogy Page,
I am researching the names
Bosworth and Dudley from MA, Marks from Maine and MA,
Enman from PEI and MA,
Gay from England to MA,
Fairchild and Howard families RI, VT and MA,
Julian and Columbia from NH, MA and Canada
and associated Families. I am currently researching new families. These families are the Di Palermo and Parisi families from Italy to NY.

My Genealogy Page

Stop by my other page and
meet the Family and check out my other pages!

My Home Page

Matt's Prayer Page, Please read this for Matt was a normal 6 year old boy! He lived down the street from me!

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