"Breeding Fancy Rats since 1994"

Maplewood Rattery is located on New York's Long Island. As of September 1999, breeding plans are being put on hold until further notice.

If you are looking to adopt rats, feel free to contact me...I have connections with other breeders, and friends who normally sell only locally, but are willing to sell their litters through me in order to find the best homes. I can usually find blues, lavendars, minks, blacks, and platinums, but other colors are available on occasion. Just ask...

I study genetics as a hobby (some would say it's an obsession), that's how I got into breeding. Feel free to write me with any questions regarding rat genetics, health, care, etc.

This site contains information on my entire rattery, as well as the Mid-Atlantic Rat & Mouse Forum, and much more...please relax and enjoy browsing this site <:3(~~)---~

Click on the maple leaf below to enter Maplewood Rattery:


Send email to maplewoodrattery@hotmail.com , I can't afford to return long distance phone calls...sorry, but if you are in my area code leave a voice mail message with your call back number and a brief description of what you are looking for (516) 503-3434.

My AOL Insant Messenger is: mwrattery.

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