

We have ALL ABD!Breeds in ALPHA ORDER for your convenience in finding just the right breed for yourself and yet the opportunity to view others that you might want to learn more about:)!


We Will Have a Picture of The Precious Papillon here soon:)!

The distinguishing characteristic of the PAPILLON is it's beautiful butterfly ears which stand straight up, like the widespread wings of a full grown butterfly. The coat is abundant, silky and flowing. The PAPILLON is basically white with patches of any color (except liver). The tail is a plume.

The PAPILLON was popular in FRANCE during the early 1700's and has been brushed on canvas by many great artists. Today in FRANCE, the PAPILLON is called "le Chien Ecureuil," meaning....."Squirrel Dog"......in honor of their tails.

The *Precious* Little PAPILLON is a prime house dog and primarily an indoor companion. They are "cat-like" in their cleanliness and neat-footedness. Similar to the PEKINGESE, they clean their paws just like a CAT:0)!!!



You must say "Please" to a PEKINGESE, so said a well-known PEKINGESE breeder. Tell one off and it will *sulk* until you feel you're in the wrong:0)!

The PEKE likes to remind its *SLAVES* of its *REGAL* & *ROYAL* background and expects to be petted and pampered. It is not, however, a delicate creature; in fact, it is fearless and fun, and loves having toys to play with.

PEKES are good with children, but comes into their own as adults' SOLE COMPANIONS, being the centre of attention and, preferably, having the RUN of the house. The restricted and neglected PEKE is apt to become destructive through BOREDOM. PEKES have minds of their own and are condescending by nature. But when it decides to offer you its affection, you could not wish for a more *loyal* and *loving* companion:0)!

The ROYAL LION/LIONESS:0) PEKINGESE came to Europe following the Boxer Rebellion when, in 1860, the British invaded the Summer Palace in Peking and five imperial PEKINGESE were looted from the women's apartments. Previous to this, it had been forbidden for anyone other than the Chinese ROYAL family to own a PEKINGESE, and their theft was punishable by DEATH:0(!

The Precious PEKE will trude,happily, across fields with its *Slave* or be content with a sedate walk when it comes to exercise.

They need DAILY BRUSHING with a brush of soft bristles and/or sharp bristles for tangles in hair on the ears and other places. The grooming of the underside is usually carried out with the PEKE lying on its back, the rest of the job being tackled with the pet standing on a table, or on a lap. Grooming a dog on a table is good preparation for a possible SHOW career. It isn't necessary to bathe a PEKINGESE frequently, as an alternative, talcum powder can be applied and brushed through the coat after a warm water bath. Also the new WIPES with ALOE do a great job as well:0)!

The GOOD POINTS of the PAMPERED PEKINGESE:0) is that it is a very Loyal and Affectionate ABD!; Brave Guard Dog, Healthy & Intelligent.

Take Heed, however, as they are *Aloof, Independent of Nature, subject to Eye Trouble, Needs DAILY grooming and one must Guard Against Exertion and Overheating in the Warm Weather.



Compact and short coupled, the POMERANIAN possesses a well-knit tiny frame. The HEAD and cute little NOSE are FOXY in outline and the COAT is very abundant; the *outer* COAT is long and perfectly straight ... harsh in texture. The *under* COAT is soft and fluffy.

Colors can be any of 12: Black, Brown, Chocolate, Beaver, Red, Orange, Cream, Orange Sable, Wolf Sable, Blue, White or Particolored.

When the *PRECIOUS POM* first arrived in BRITAIN, it was not well received. It was perceived as a *foreigner*, with an unattractive and unkempt coat. Early breeders worked hard to master the POM'S coat.

Being a *descendant* of the GERMAN SPITZEN,it's the smallest from this sled-pulling family.

A POM is a *wonderful companion* Absolute Best Dog!,and a show ring contender. It's Vivacity and Spirit make it liked by persons who don't usually care for toy dogs.

The *PRECIOUS* POMERANIAN is similar in a great many ways to the *ROYAL*:) PEKINGESE. One of the biggest differences is that the POM is rather nervous, like the POODLE, and the PEKE is really laid-back:)!



The MINATURE POODLE makes the ideal home companion. The POODLE coat is profuse, dense and closely curling. If the curly coat is not clipped properly, it will cord. POODLES must be solid in color: White, black, red and blue. Parti-colored dogs occur in breeding programs but cannot be registered. The MINIATURE POODLE was scaled down from the larger Standard variety for fanciers desiring the same intelligence and abilities in a smaller, more affordable package. They became quite well loved in circuses as trick and stunt dogs, and popular in homes.

POODLES are really spritely animals with a light, springy gait. They *adore* humans and make a lively, yet mannerly, companion for ALL lifestyles.

Known as one of the world's most popular ABD!s, it comes in three sizes; Standard, Miniature, and Toy. Each size is friendly and extremely intelligent...Recently pacing NUMBER 2 as MOST INTELLIGENT CANINE...(Number *1* being voted as the ABD!COLLIE:0)!

Originally, the POODLE was a GERMAN Water Retriever and is seen in art work dated as early as the fifteenth century. The long, fluffy hair kept the POODLE warm at its work. The unusual clip also had a practical purpose; it kept long hair around the ABD!'s joints and chest, while removing hair in other areas so the POODLE could move more freely. Today there *4* Major coat styles; the Puppy, English Saddle, Continental (or *Lion* style) and Sporting clips.

The Weight for the Standard averages 55 pounds with Height of 23-25 inches. Miniature Weight average is 16 pounds and Height 10-15 inches. The Toy Weight Average is 7 pounds with Height of Under 10 inches.

(Hmmmmmmmmmmm, wonder how MUCH BRAT "Jj" WEIGHS, giggle?)


Quick and light on his feet, the SIBERIAN HUSKY is a medium-sized working dog with moderately compact and fur-covered body. The dense soft undercoat is long enough to support the straight smooth-lying guard hairs.

Any color is acceptable--black, grays, red and pied are usual. The correct tail is well furred and fix-brushed in shape.

The SIBERIAN HUSKY, the ALASKAN MALAMUTE, and the ESKIMO DOG are but a few of the world's Arctic husky-type dog. There is considerable reason to believe that these "HUSKIES", a coined degenerate term, all stem from the same dogs, but were each fostered by different region and group of hunters.

The CHUKCHIS of far north-eastern Asia employed what is today the SIBERIAN HUSKY and fostered it as a pure "breed" throughout the 19th century. As dog sleds were the principal means of transport is Alaska, the HUSKIES were most vital. The SIBERIAN, being 30 pounds smaller than the dominant Alaskan Malamute, became favored by Russian explorers as *sled dogs* of speed, agility and endurance... the same qualities valued by the CHUKCHIS.

A ready and able worker, the SIBERIAN is adept at his age-old *sled dog* role as well as an eager and friendly companion.

Adult dogs may tend to be reserved, with an unmistakably dignified air. Gentle and alert, the Handsome and ABSOLUTE BEST DOG! SIBERIAN HUSKY:) are heartily agreeablecompanions.

Thanks AUNTIE LISA and KIT*KATS MS. KAYLEIGH & KING COLE for this maaaaavelous *Profile*:)!



A foxy-faced head and a compact body, the WEST HIGHLAND WHITE TERRIER is PURE WHITE. The coat is the breeds hallmark. It is rarely seen to perfection. It has a double coat, with hard straight outer hairs and a soft undercoat.

The prejudice against CAIRN TERRIER HUNTERS against white puppies paves the way for the WESTIE. The MALCOMS OF POLTALLOCH began collecting and breeding these white outcasts. They were once called POLTALLOCH TERRIERS ("white cairns") and then were later crossed with SEALYHAMS in order to generate a longer bodied, white terrier. This cross was ill-conceived, as the longer body was not suitable for game terrier work.

Selective breeding helped to restore the breed which today looks more like a Cairn body than a Sealyham.

The WESTIE is self reliant and adaptable to a variety of lifestyles. This energetic and pleasing terrier makes an all-around *companion* ABD!.

Pugnacity and Timidity are discouraged.

The SHOW WESTIE requires a considerable deal of grooming. To keep a pet WESTIE looking his best, regular grooming is advised.

In America, the WESTIE is popular on both coasts.




BREED HISTORY: Today's ABD!YORKSHIRE TERRIER is very different from the early YORKSHIRES of the NORTH OF ENGLAND. There are varying accounts of the origins of this breed and its development. I have tried to give the most accurate, and most widely agreed upon history of the YORKSHIRE assembled from books and publications written by reliable and experienced fanciers of the breed.

In YORKSHIRE, small communities grew up around coal mines, textile mills and factories. People were drawn to these areas to seek work from as far away as SCOTLAND. They brought with them a breed known as the CLYDESDALE TERRIER, or PAISLEY TERRIER. These were primarily working dogs, much larger than today's YORKIES, and were used for catching rats and other small mammals. These terriers were inevitably crossed with other types of terrier, probably the ENGLISH BLACK and TAN TOY TERRIER, and the SKYE TERRIER;it is also thought that at some stage the *MALTESE* TERRIER was crossed with these breeds to help produce long coats. GENERAL APPEARANCE: Long-Coated, coat hanging quite straight and evenly down each side, a parting extending from nose to tail. Very compact and neat, carriage very upright conveying an important air. General outline conveying impression of vigorous and well proportioned body.

COAT: Hair on body moderately long, perfectly straight (not wavy), glossy; fine silky texture, not wooly. Fall on head long, rich golden tan, deeper in colour at sides of head, about ear roots and on muzzle where it should be very long. Tan on head not to extend on to neck, nor must any sooty or dark hair intermingle with any of the tan.

EYES: Medium, dark, sparkling, with sharp intelligent expression and placed to look directly forward. Not prominent. Edge of eyelids dark.

EARS: Small, V-shaped, carried erect, not too far apart, covered with short hair, colour very deep, rich tan.

TAIL: Customarily docked to medium length with plenty of hair, darker blue in colour than rest of body, especially at the end of tail. Carried a little higher than level of back.

SIZE: Weight up to 3.1 kgs (7lbs)

TEMPERAMENT: The YORKIE is without doubt *one*:0) of the most appealing of all Toy breeds. It is charming and intelligent, and despite its size, is full of courage, loyalty and affection. Although this breed is small, the YORKIE still retains the true Terrier temperament. YORKIES are small enough to carry and are ideal for anyone with a small home or apartment. The Yorkie is happy to go on quite long walks, but is equally happy to run around a small garden or home, providing it has enough toys and distractions to occupy its lively mind. These are little dogs who think they are much bigger. They will defend their territory decisively. They have an acute sense of hearing and will alert their owners to the slightest sign of intruders. They can be very noisy, so consideration must be given to neighbors when considering this breed as a ABP!ET:0).

HEALTH PROBLEMS: YORKIES are generally hardy and healthy and long-lived. Like many Toy breeds, however, there is some incidence of heriditary/congenital disease in the form of patella luxation, open fontanellas, Perthe's disease and a smaller incidence of elongated soft palate and a tendency to collapsed trachea.

SUITABITILY AS PETS: YORKIES will live happily with ABK!ats and other ABD!s IF brought up with them, but being Terriers, they are also very possessive of their owners, so care should be taken when introducing this breed to a new animal household member. If they do fight, they can fight to the death. As with all small dogs, great care should be taken when allowing small children to handle them, as they are prone to jump from any height, and of course, being small, are more susceptible to accidents around the home, by way of careless human feet and the opening and closing of doors. They do however love to play with sensible children. Their favourite sleeping place is their owner's lap.

SPECIAL WARNING: In some countries it is common to own a swimming pool. If you do, please ensure that your Yorkie cannot jump or fall into the pool in your absence. There have been reports from the USA of Yorkie's getting into pools and then being unable to get out again, with drastic consequences as the poor little dog becomes exhausted and drowns. If you do have a pool, please ensure that it is fenced off or covered when not in use.

Contributed by AUNTIE STEPHANIE & her "Owner" ABD!LAB*DOOKY:0)!!



Uh, feisty MS. KAYLEIGH has decided that she wants to PAW *HER* PROFILE in "HER WAY", heehee! Soooo have FUN KAYLEIGH (You Fridge Food Stealer you:0)!)

Hi! I'm KAYLEIGH, and I'm a AB*TURKISH ANGORA. My breed derived from the PALLA CAT, which was domesticated by the TARTARS and the CHINESE and later perfected in ANKARA, TURKEY.....hence the name ANGORA. My *coat* is medium long on the body, and long at the ruff. My neck, belly and tail are thickly coated and my ears have tufts. ANGORIANS are traditionally pure white, although we are accepted in a variety of colors. As you can see, I'm a *gorgeous* CREAM-=colored ANGORA.

EYE COLORS depend on the coat color and include--AMBER, BLUE, GREEN and HAZEL. AMBER is the most common eye color.

My most *striking* feature is my *SOFT and SILKY* COAT. The softness is unlike any other breed. The closest thing I can think of to describe it, is the *softness* of AB*RABBIT FUR:0).




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song: =_"Dance'n!!!__="

song: Dance'n

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