Hi! I'm Jennifer and this is my "Just for fun" homepage. I hope that you enjoy your stay here and stop by again!

This is just a fun site designed for my family and friends. Enjoy your stay!

I live in Arizona with my husband, Dean, and our 2 puppies, Yancha Bozu and Wrigley. Currently we do not have children. We have done In-vitro fertilization a total of 5 times, without success. Because of the expense involved and the rate of success in which we have experienced ourselves, we have decided to take a break from In-Vitro. We are just starting to explore the possibilities of International Adoption.

I am a demonstrator for Stampin' Up! and I love doing that. It is so rewarding!

When I take the time to watch TV, I enjoy Days of our Lives, Oprah, Adoption Stories, A Baby Story and A Wedding Story on TLC, and most shows on Food Network.

Check out my family!

The latest pictures of my nephews and nieces!

Who is the BIGGEST Pooh fan...need you ask?! I sure LOVE this guy!

NO MORE beanies - but here's a small look of some of them that are somewhere in the shed packed away now!

Check out some of my Favorite links

ccrm My Stampin' Up! website
ccrm   Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine
ty   Ty Beanie Baby Web Site
soi   Stars on Ice
gracie   Gracie's Web Page
Pat's Pat's Web Graphics

BYE! Thanks for stopping in, come back soon.

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