Welcome to
The Singing and Dancing Greyhound Musical Comedy Review
The Gilley Girls are former racers who dance across North America with their humans. 
Their performances will amaze, amuse and perhaps even educate you!
on the road again...
The price of gas has shortened our Tour Scheduling.
What's New for 2008
Music to Dance By
New Acts
New and More Stories and Articles
More New Pictures on the AOL Album site in the Girls' Scrapbook
Who We Are
Meet the Girls
Our Mission
Email theGirls! Our 2009 Tour Schedule
Stories and Articles
Our 2010 Tour Schedule
The Girls Cloths Our Bibliography
Tour History
Greyhound Beginnings
the Girls Scrap Book
The Dancing Greyhounds have a professionally made video available, compliments
of Greyhound Pets of America-California. This video was made when we were the
Dancing Greyhound Drill Team and before we became the Singing and Dancing
Greyhound Comedy Show. (Funds are not presently availabel for an update.)

The cost is $10.00 U.S. and is available through:
Greyhound Pets of America - California -Orange County and Greater Los Angeles
fastfriends.org  go to "shopping", then to  "books and videos"

ALL proceeds go to the greyhounds!

This video was made when we were a drill team, before we became
The Gilley  Singing and Dancing Greyhound Comedy Show!
Please do not be offended if we do not respond quickly; we may be somewhere where Internet access is not possible at the moment.
The Dancing Greyhounds are a nonpolitical entity; as such, they can accept invitations from "pro" or neutral groups only.
The Girls
are getting help from the Pendragon Greyhounds!
If you find an unhooked link, or an error please contact the boys
Copyright 1999-2009 Kathleen and "Gil" Gilley