The Cavyboyz.
Tudor - Golden and white. If Tudor takes after his mum he'll look gorgeous when he's bigger. Tudor has an identity crisis, he thinks he's either a Guinea Rat or a Ratty Pig. His chief occupations are eating, mediating the NAMB dominance fights and trying to dominate his friend Heinz. Tudor is really funny when he tries to wash his face ratty-style, he can't quite manage it and falls over on to his side.
Update (05/10/98) Tudor has got bigger and bigger and will soon be moving into a new class at shows. His colour has lightened but he is still a very attractive pig. Tudor can finally manage to wash his face ratty-style without falling over, he looks really cute when he does this. He now has two more cavies to dominate, Teddy and Brock, who are introduced below.
Heinz - A bit of everything here, Heinz is a Texel / Rex / Crested cross, even his breeder is unsure about his full parentage due to an accidental mating of his mum - she was inadvertantly caged with 4 boars, 2 rexes, a crested and a mongrel. Heinz is mainly black except for a white headspot and a sandy coloured band around his bum. The poor mite still doesn't know what's happening to him, caged with a cavy with an identity crisis and 8 "foreign-looking-cavies-with-tails"!! Heinz is a talker and there is always a running comentary available. He enjoys talking back to the television especially during motor racing and soccer.
Update (05/10/98) Heinz has also grown and is becoming a character. He was recently ill and had to be bribed, with sweetened water, to take his medicine. He is quite skitish and if anything upsets him he jumps. The TV made a load noise and Heinz went airbourne off the dining table. Fortunately there were no broken bones, just a slightly shocked cavy.
Teddy - An agouti rex, Teddy looks a bit like a loo brush. He is quite small for his age but will probably become a show-class pig rather than a pet. Teddy seems totally unconcerned with his new home and has stood up to Heinz although he is in awe of Tudor. He loves sitting in the purple ferret tunnel, well away from Zeppo and his ambushes.
Brock - Black / white with a few agouti spots and a really cute badger face. He is half-brother to Tudor through their father and both seem to have the same shape faces. Brock also seems unconcerned about leaving his litter-mates and he's got big brother Tudor to look after him in his new home.
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This page was last updated: 07/10/98 16:30