    This page is dedicated to the abused, lost,
  and homeless pets in the world.
    I had intended to use this background for my
  own departed loved ones. They were very 
  precious, each in their own way! They, however,
  will be remembered with love and fond memor-
  ies of the time that I spent with them. 
    The pets listed here are the forgotten or
  would be forgotten. These are the pets who
  would be forgotten but for the compassionate
  souls whose links are available, countless
  others and you. They are also those whose
  lives were treated as meaningless by their
    Many of my cats had gone through abuse 
  before I adopted them. None of them were sub-
  jected to some of the horrors dealt to these
  helpless babies whose only sin was to be born
  of a species not human or for that matter, to
  be born!
    Warning: I do have a tendancy to rant about
  this subject and I hope you won't be put off
  by it! It certainly isn't a tirade against you
 (far from it!)! If you stick around, you'll 
  find out my reasons! 
         Keep Their Memories Alive!

      Her sun set while it was yet day...Unknown


       To: CLAW- Find out about the Safe Harbor Champaign! 


      Click the banner to let Scruffy's judge know that a
    severe punishment for these monsters is the only reason-
    able way to see that justice is served!



         I had no idea that these senseless tragedies had 
       occurred until I started surfing! 
         Know what? I am furious! 
         With this site, letters & emails, I've made a begin-
       ning but there's so much more to be done before the 
       government acknowledges the voices of its taxpayers!
         I'm so ashamed that I didn't jump in sooner! Please
       don't make the same mistake that I did!

                    A feral colony's tragic story.

            Join the Petition Team to add your voice on
            behalf of these mute members of society!

                   To: Grooming Shop Break In,
                       Torture and Murder!

          Not the best idea in any circumstance but in
          this circumstance....the worst!

            Click here to find out about the ribbon
            champaign and how to join!

        Punished for compassion, right or wrong? WRONG!!!

             Soundtracker's Take It To Your Heart!

        I've barely scratched the surface with the accounts
      listed on this page. Soundtracker's heartache page 
      lists many more examples of human barbarity. Dogs starv-
      ed and used as food for fighting dogs, more feral cat 
      tragedies and abuse of indescribable proportions against
      other species' are available on this page! 
        Your help would be invaluable if you're willing! I 
      hope you are!
                      To: Animal Rescue
                    Remember the countless
                  millions of unwanted dogs 
                  & cats killed every year!



      Why animals? There are a lot of great causes
 out there that need our support. I choose ani-
 mals as my main cause for many reasons.
   For one, animals are innocent. They have no
 clue as to why their lives have suddenly be-
 come a living nightmare! In fact, they will 
 never understand! The capacity to rationalize
 isn't there and never will be.
   Animals do have feelings that can be hurt
 just as easily as those of anyone else you
 know. Don't believe me? Take cats, for in-
 stance. The emotional region of a cat's brain
 is identical to ours! I think it's safe to say
 that they feel just as deeply as we do, espe-
 cially since they constantly prove this little
   Animals have neither a voice nor a choice!
 They are entirely at the mercy of their tor-
 mentors (of lack thereof)! Though things are
 starting to look a little bit better for their
 rights, there's still a long way to go! As they
 can't speak for themselves, they need our help!
  In most states it is a misdemeanor to deli-
 berately harm an animal. Why? Heck if I know!
 It would seem that lawmakers feel that an ani-
 mal's life is of little importance. I don't
 and can't agree with that! To me, life is to
 be respected. Animals kill for survival. Only
 human beings kill for enjoyment! It seems to
 me that they have one over on us. Veterinary
 care is a small price to pay for the uncondi-
 tional love our pets give in return!
   Pets are beneficial to those who love them.
 It's been repeatedly proven that a pet's love
 and companionship can ease stress, thereby low-
 ering blood pressure. Of no value? Please!
   What about your pet? Is he or she the next
 to be taken for some sadistic human animal's
 pleasure? Imagine you pet in one of the situa-
 tions, above! Would you think the perp should
 be let loose on the unsuspecting public? I
 love animals anyway but this is the thought
 that haunted me. What if one of these outrages
 had happened to one of my cats?
   If these reasons aren't good enough, how
 about self preservation? It has been proven re-
 peatedly that serial killers start by torturing 
 animals. Do the names, Ed Kemper, Jeffery Dah-
 mer, Peter Kurten and Art Shawcross mean 
 anything to you?
   These men all started with animal torture and
 murder before moving on to the human victims.
 Click here for more information about the con-
 nection between animal abuse and serial killers!
   Here's your chance to make a difference! Sign Action Cat's
   petition to make animal abuse a felony! 

    What if you are strapped for cash? There are
 still things that you can do! It costs nothing
 extra to send an email and a stamp to send a
 letter but there are online petitions as well
 that only take a little time to fill out!
   Ok, Ok, end of rant!!! No more browbeating,
 either! All I ask is that if you haven't al-
 ready committed yourself to action that you'll
 at least consider it. It's for their sake as
 well as your own!
   Most of all, thanks for putting up with me!

   Many thanks, also to Glenda Moore for the wonderful
   memorial graphics!
     rainbow2          RAINBRIDGE                rainbow1
    Back to: In          Home          Next to: The Herd
   Loving Memory                          and the Fire
     I really hope that when my time comes to cross that a
   few of these sweet, wonderful individuals will be waiting 
   to greet me, too! Your earthly lives have been cut short
   but your souls live on in our hearts!


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