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Hi. My friends call me Chris, and as you can tell, I love horses. I have 14 years of experience with horses, mainly with Quarter Horses, but I have trained and ridden almost every breed. I am in no way bragging. I just love horses and try to keep myself up to date on everything about them. I own 2 Quarter Horses and you will find their photos displayed all over this site. Speaking of this site, this site has a special purpose in that a very, dear friend from Georgia has given me a part of this site to allow me the opportunity of following my dream. You see it's a project for me to develop and nuture and she believes in me, and is hoping that my love for my horses and computers will combine to motivate me into developing my talents in these areas. My friend thinks I have a lot of potential, and she knows I just needed a starting place. I have added two additonal pages; the "Photo Album 2" page and "Vacation Survey". It is titled "Your Favorite Vacation Spot", please add your favorite vacation to the list and browse through the other entries. This page is still under construction, so I hope that the "bugs" will be worked out soon. Please bear with me.
Please stop in from time to time. I invite you to e-mail me sometime. I would enjoy hearing from you!
This page was last updated on 07/16/00.
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FYI, prior to 8/99, I had 720 visitors to this site!
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