In Loving Memory Of

April 14, 1998 - October 16, 1998
Pepper Ann was a vibrant, spirited 6-month old Shih Tzu puppy until we tragically lost her during a routine spaying procedure.  In retrospect, we regret that we did the "right thing". Her absence is a deep void that nothing can ever fill and words can never portray.  Our hearts will forever ache for her presence in our lives.

As with any anesthesia, there is always a risk.  I know there are many advocates for spaying and/or neutering your dog because of the overpopulation of unwanted dogs in the world and for preventing other medical problems that could develop later in life.  The problems would be specific to the breed of your dog.  But before you consider this procedure, please note that your dog could be that one-in-a-million that doesn't make it through the surgery.

These are some things to consider before spaying/neutering your dog:

1)    Make sure to research your veterinarian.  Talk to your neighbors or other people who use
        your vet.  Find out how many dogs (and cats) they have lost during this procedure.  The
        medical boards do not keep stats on dogs that have died during this procedure (how sad!) so
        you will have to take your vet at his/her word.

2)    Visit the operating room and make sure that your vet is equipped for handling emergencies
        should one occur with your dog.

3)    IMPORTANT:  There is a pre-screening anesthetic test available to see if perhaps your dog
        may encounter complications.  Get it done!!

        Note:  In Pepper Ann's case, we did not have this information.  Our vet never told us about it.
        It was only afterwards that we learned that it is normally mandatory in most states.

4)    Smaller dogs have a higher risk than larger dogs.

        Note:  We learned this also shortly after Pepper Ann's death.

5)    Check out the credentials of the technicians in your vet's office.  Make sure they are qualified
        to give anesthesia to your pet.

6)    If your dog has any underlying medical conditions, you may want to reconsider the procedure.
       Talk to the breeder if you know them, and ask for proper health papers concerning your dog.
       If you do not know the breeder, research your breed of dog for common underlying health
       problems associated with that breed.  And then, if possible, have testing done to make sure
       that your dog is healthy.  Your dog may seem healthy but could have a problem that can't
       be  detected by normal routine check-ups.   You owe it to your dog (and yourself) to
       investigate  further.  This is not a guarantee that your  dog will not die during the procedure, but
       it could possibly prevent it.
7)    Consider whether or not it is really necessary to have this procedure done.  Will your dog
        basically be a house pet and not venture outdoors without you.  Is your yard properly
        enclosed so that your dog may not get out and other dogs cannot get in?  If you answered
        YES to the previous questions, than you may want to reconsider having the procedure.

        Note:  In retrospect, we realized that the chances of Pepper Ann running the risk of becoming
        pregnant was practically ZERO, and thus we should not have put her through the procedure.

8)    In my personal opinion, don't have it done with small breeds until they are older (1 to 2 years)
        and you've had time to see them grow, and determine better if there are any health problems,

Disclaimer:  All the opinions on this page are solely my personal opinion based on my experience.  Please consult your
own vet and/or resources before making any decision concerning spaying/neutering your dog.


Our only consolation in the loss of Pepper Ann is knowing
that she waits for our arrival on Rainbow Bridge!

There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge
because of its many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge, there is a land of
meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass. When a beloved pet dies the pet goes
to this place. There is always food and water, and warm Spring weather. Those old and
frail animals are young again. Those who have been maimed are made whole again.
They play all day with each other.

But there is only one thing missing. They are not with their special person who loved
them on earth. So, each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly
stops playing and looks up. The nose twitches, the ears are up, the eyes are staring,
and this one suddenly runs from the group.

You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet, you take him or her
in your arms and embrace. Your face is kissed again and again and again and you look
once more into the eyes of your trusting pet.
                       Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together,
                                 never again to be separated.
                                      - Author Unknown

Remembering Pepper Ann
 Letters To Pepper Ann
 Pictures Of Pepper Ann

(Put A Memorial To Your Wonderful Dog!)
 Dog Heaven
 Pet Loss
 In Memory Of Pets

 Piper's Dog House
 Health Issues For Shih Tzus
 Shih Tzu Web Ring
 A Comic Shih Tzu Page

(Quality Ones!)
 Tarahaus Shih Tzu (New Jersey)
 Glory Ridge (Missouri)
 Windsong Shih Tzu (Massachusetts)

 Breeds (A-Z)
 Golden Retrievers
 Border Collies
 Doggie Door
 Pup In The House
 Questions (A-Z)
 Guide To Congenital Disorders In Dogs
 Pet Care Library

  Pepper's Mom & Family

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