--Chameleon Crazy Has Moved-- Please update your links. We can now be found at ChameleonCrazy.com Chameleon Crazy is a site dedicated to True chameleons. I hope to provide information and care for many species of chameleon, common or not. I hope you enjoy the site, and come back soon, as it is always changing.
Species General Info Newborn Care
Diseases Nutrition Breeding
Common Names Classifieds Message Board
Guestbook Coming Soon Awards
If you have a question or comment, please contact me.
The Chameleon Information Ring

chameleon enthusiast to visit this page.
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This site was last updated on 10/13/99.
Site created and maintained by Chris Luecht. All pictures and caresheets ( unless otherwise noted ) are property of Christopher Luecht and can not be used elsewhere without permission. Please e-mail me for permission to use the pictures.