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Welcome to the Siberian Husky Land website!

Siberian Husky Land used to be an ICQ ActiveList dedicated to people who were either owned by Siberian Huskies, or who wished to know more about the breed. 

Unfortunately the list is no longer active due to the updates in the ICQ program.  These updates don't seem to support ActiveLists any more. 

It seemed a shame to shut down the website completely, so the bare bones of it remains here on public display.  Over the months to come, the website will be changing it's look and feel when time permits. 

Feel free to have a browse around our little site to find out more about the breed we love so much.  We hope you enjoy your stay.  Please take the time to visit our guest book before you go.  We love to hear from our visitors.


Last updated May 2003
© Kym Trebbin 1998-2003