Featuring The All Goldfarb Page
CounterDedicated to friends, relatives, colleagues, poets, and special nieces.

My Childhood Pics!

Well here u can look for some of my pics when i was a Kiddo ....these mini me pics are really cute.


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Take time to sign my guestbook....it will make my day!

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This site is being developed and updated by Sushil Dhar.


To report problems with this site, please send e-mail to sushildhar@hotmail.com



I generally look like this before the first cup of coffee in the morning................!!!!!!


About Me!

(updated january 2001)

This section contains everything u wanna know about me.

Meet My Friends

How dull life would be without Friends. I am so happy to have so many friends.

1.My School friends.

2.My College friends.

3.My Noida friends.

4.My net friends.

My Brother!

My brother has been a great influence on my life so i have one seperate section for him!

Prism Cyber Soft

I spent a lot of time in my seventh semester in the Prism cyber soft a well known Bombay based software company .I along with my project partners Rajeeb and Aditya are developing a software for the automation of the service and maintainence departmen of this It firm! This project is being done in Visual Basics and Oracle.

Copyright © 2001, Sushil Dhar. All rights reserved (such as they are.)



Family Pictures!

The Section contains some of my family pictures. I have uploaded some rescent pics and some old pics. Most of the pics are taken in delhi and jammu , some of them are also taken in kashmir .

My love For Wild Life!

From my childhood i have been very much interested in wild life just like my dad. I was lucky enough to get exposed to the wilds and the bird sancuturies in kashmir. Hokur Sar and Higham sancuturies were my favourities! i had some slides but God Damn i dont know where i have put them and where where the slide projector is.


My Port Folio!

(updated january, 2000)

Everybody keeps telling me "get your portfoli" so i talked to my friend Mussavir who is into all this and he arranged all the stuff for me .The port foli was done by Mussavirs friend Ritu and the lighting by Badal. The end result was indeed satisfying .Click Here

My Aerosmith Page!

This is my favourite band and i think there will be hardly any song by them which i dont like. I hear its amazing at least thrice a day!


My Sacred page!

This page contains the instruction book of life .It has some truths about life which i have read and experimented.


My Kashmir page!

The last but not the least my page on Kashmir.Plzz no politics here .....if u wanna talk about politics just get the fuck outta here.