On June 26, 1999 I graduated from the Community Leader course mentored by Lisa. She was the greatest, taking me under her wing (no pun intended)! The Liaisons were Sandi and Rick. I was placed in the "Haven" with Lisa but soon decided I needed more sites to scan and branched out to help Anne in Petsburgh "Fair".

By July of 1999, April (then Chairperson of Pride of Petsburgh) asked me to help CoChair that committee. I felt honored and remained in that position until April graduated from college and found the responsibilities of remaining in that position too difficult. She then stepped down and I became Chairperson with Karen as my CoChair.

Next, In November of 1999, Mona asked me if I would be interested in Chairperson of Pet Site of The Week. She taught me everything I know and there were times when I thought this committee was the most difficult I had undertaken yet.

In December 1999, I was nominated poster CL of the Month by our own dear Mona. I was so proud. I felt honored to have received this award and even more honored to know Mona. Thank you Geocities, Petsburgh and Mona!!!

I would like to nominate Paula for Poster CL of the month. Paula took over the Contest Coordinator position of Pet Site of the Week just a week ago. She did not blink an eye or complain even when she learned exactly what duties she would be responsible for. When she was asked her answer was a great big YES!!! No questions asked. She was ready to train in a heartbeat and learned very quickly. She was patient and did not question my methods. She set her first contest up and also submitted some future sites to be reviewed. She is a hard worker and still has the time to send me a smile or two every day to help out. When the training was through she even asked if there were any thing else she could do to help me out. She is the perfect example of an outstanding CL, there when you need her:) I am very glad to know her and VERY happy to have her in our team in Petsburgh.

Then in January, 2000 just when I thought I had received everything possible from Petsburgh, I was told I would soon open my own burb. Yes! Petsburgh Stable was created for me as I sat nervously waiting about all the names of animal burbs that could come my way.

Petsburgh has been my family for what seems forever now and I am thankful for all they have done for me but MOST thankful for finding friends like Lisa, Mona, Barb, Joan, Sandi, SuSue and all those who have been there for me throughout this time. You see, that is what Petsburgh means to me....it means family and friends. Petsburgh, we have only "just begun!"

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