My Fish Pics
These are pictures of all my cichlid and non cichlid fish that I have raised at one point or another.  I am new at taking pictures with my new camera so bear with me while I learn. Sometimes they come out blurry or unfocused. I'll update this as I take better pictures. Perfect practice makes perfect.
Aulonocara Baenschi Albino
This is one of my favorite Peacocks. I've raised him up from .5 inches to 4 inches. He's two years old. The bad thing about him is his fins are deformed. He was sold to me that way by the dealer.
I got this Peacock from the LFS. It's the only Albino Peacock I've seen in the LFS stores in my area.                                               
Copadichromis Borleyi "Red Fin"
This is the male, I also have two females.  Their first spawn I got 25 fry. The male is just starting to mature and bring forth his true colors. This picture doesn't do him justice. Both females and him are 1 years old. He's the king of the 260 gallon tank.
It's awesome to watch him cruise around the tank. July of 1999