Now you see it, now you don't.

NaClH 2O



Welcome to our web pages for the saltwater enthusiast! We have had freshwater fish tanks for over ten years, but due to a friend, became interested in saltwater in the summer of 1998. We have had good success with our 30 gal. aquarium which you can read more about on our tank page. We are very excited about our 75 gal. which we hope to start setting up soon. Since we are still learning all we can about the interesting hobby of keeping saltwater aquariums, we will pass on any information we find of interest or value to you. Plus, we will keep you up to date on our progress with our tanks. So, keep checking back! Also, please take a moment to sign our guestbook below.

Click here for our tank pages.

Click the shell for a full description of our tank, it's occupants, and some of our experiences.

Art Gallery

Click the shell to see our original artwork, including marine art.

Post a link to your Web Site in my Free-For-All Links page.

Here is list of sites we think are worth visiting.

Add your site to our list, just click on the shell.

Awards we've won

The Awards we've won.

Due to complications with some webrings, we are taking off our webring page at least temporarily. Thanks for you patience.

Please sign our guestbook

Click here to view and sign our guestbook.


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Come back soon!

Hi! I'm Geohootie. Click on me to visit Petsburgh Station.
All pages on this site are hand typed using the Advanced HTML Editor on Geocities.

This site is rated 'F' for Families. Thanks, Angel Jamie!

Established: 11/01/99



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