Welcome to Hawks Roost Aviary!
let me introduce myself:)
I am Jean & live in West Central Ohio in a farming commutity!

WE have a small farm, consisting of 2 horses, a cocker spanmiel named Chloe;)
Chloe is quite the lady of "her" house lol.
She gives "rides" to the birds in her fur, how cute is THAT?!

While I do enjoy quilting and trail riding very much.....
my PF lovebirds are the light of my life:)

I breed most mutations: silvers,  violets, creaminos, and cinnamons in my pieds & australian cinnamons:)

I take a holistic approach for keeping my lovebirds Healthy and Happy!

My lovies rec'v a daily asst. of Organically grown brown rice,
veggies, sprouts,..herbs, GSE (grapefruit seed extract)  and much more lol.
*NOTE:  GSE is an anti-fungal and when used properly helps in many ways!

Cages & birdroom are cleaned daily, and while doing so we get to "chat", albeit a *one sided* chat most times lol.

I've selected breeders from all over th USA, concentrating on quality, color, size and temperment.

ALL chicks are handfed by me, "abundance" weaned...and are well socialized, along with the fact they are loved to pieces! :)

I hope you enjoy pics of past chicks, and I will post current ones
as they become available!

Thanks for visiting & check back soon as more chicks become available!!
Lost or Found a Bird?..
Bird room:)
OF aust/ino/violet
Currently available:
WF Blue--if male you have a 50% chance of him being split to Opaline!

PF Green/opaline? x OF Aus. Cinnamon Violet
(on eggs NOW)
We also carry and sell Cages, accessories, and Goldenfeast!
email us for more info
Cool Links
Small Wonders
African Lovebird Society
BEST lovebird email group on the web!
Click the Chick to email us!