Dave's Hermit Home

Thanks for stopping by! This page used to be chewwook's hermit haven, but it was taken down and changed around.  In the meantime, a few others have used similar backgrounds (and names) to the old page, so I changed the appearance around a little. I hope you enjoy this- if you have any suggestions, please let me know. Have fun!
Created 2/4/00

Latest update: My newest crab terrarium is all set up now- with a twist. I've been working with a local pet store to try an make a combination marine tank/ terrarium where the crabs could hopefulle reproduce. They moved in on April 2nd and are looking quite happy. If anything comes of this, I'll let you know know ASAP. For now, my digital camera is not working and I will take some pictures the old-fashioned way.

Links- one of the biggest hermit crab link lists around! If you want to add yours, please email me

The Terrarium- what your crab needs to not just exist, but to live a fulfilling crabby life

About me- there are other things to my  life besides hermit crabs.They may not be as exciting, but they keep me busy.

Food and Water- your crab can eat many different things, but what does it really want to eat? What should it eat?

Behavior- what you should expect and watch out for in your hermit crabs.

Shells- not just any shell will fit a hermit crab.  A list and pictures of good shells might help your crab be content.

Pictures- a place for you to meet my crabs. Sometime soon there may be a live crabcast from the crabs' terrarium.

Message Board- It may be new, but I'd like to get some questions and answers on this message board