Application for The Quest for Rent Money
Alignment Neutral Good
Race: Gnome
Class: Tracker
Caragalynnjuniper grew up with her mother, father and 2 siblings. Living in one of the coastal villages, Lynn and her siblings played at one of the ports. One day her older brother, Johannathanal got to close to the edge and accidentally got tripped up on his own two feet and fell in to the water. Milichael was to young to swim so that left it up to Lynn to rescue her brother. After this turn of events they kept a pretty good eye on what was going on around them and had a better appreciation for each other. The three of them were unseparatable until Lynn turned the age of 35. This is when she decided that she wanted to be on her own, so off she went to see if she could do it.
She's had a rough life, traveling village to village not being accepted for her appearance, at the age of 15 her family's hut caught on fire and she got caught in it and it burnt the left side of her face. Needless to say this has made her afraid of them. With the disapproval of other people it has made it hard for her to settle down anywhere for very long, so she keeps traveling from one place to another hoping one of these days she can find a place to call home. Other then that this small problem gives her a chance to save some coins for when she does find the one place that she won't be afraid to call home once again.
At 2' 3" and 35 lbs. there isn't much to look at. She has black hair and brown eyes. Despise her appearance she is quite jovial and enjoys having a good time.