Application for Stronghold

Lillianna (Lilly) Sharptounge


Age 30


Neutral good


Lilly is very out-going and playful. She don't take to be ordered around very nicely from anyone. She won't get violent unless it comes right down to it. But she is sure to let you know what she thinks about things. She's also a flirt, always trying to catch the eye of someone in what ever tavern she might be in.


Lilly grew up in a wealthy family. Her father being a great commander for the royal guards and her mother being a successful professor at the magic academy.

At the age of 12 her mom decided that it was time for Lilly to learn a profession and forced her to go to the academy with her and become her apprentice. Lilly took well to her mother’s tutoring and quickly picked up on the skills that her mother was teaching her.

At the age of 15 she was through with her teachings and ready to make a life for herself, if only it wasn’t for her parents. Her mother tried to talk her into staying at the academy and help her and then take over her position teaching. Her father on the other hand, just didn’t want to let his only child go and told her there was no way his only child was going to leave the house for anything until she was rightfully married.

As her 17th birthday was getting closer she was determined that she was through being told what to do by her parents. She was ready to see what was out there for her without her parent’s permission or protection. So she took the first opportunity and left while they were sleeping, leaving everything she owned there. She didn’t leave a note or anything to tell them where she was going or when she would be back.

Having disappeared her father had sent a search party out looking for her. When they had found her, she had told them that she wasn’t coming back with them. She confronted her father about the controlling and that she was through. Her father finally had listened to her and let her go. Her regrettably let her be, although he did let her know that the door was always open to her if she ever decided to return home.

During her travels to see what else she could that would make her happy, she’s made a few friends. During a battle in Tearagra, she lost her friend, Melodie to a bearded devil. No matter how hard she had tried to protect her. Lilly took this pretty hard and went into isolation for a few months. After 3 months of grieving she is ready to start out again and get back to being her old self.



Weasel for a familiar or can just roll a dice and take my chances


Point Blank Shot

Spell Focus

I may be missing some feats as I’m not sure how to work multi-classing but will fix if chosen. Sorry for the problems.



Acid Splash

Mage Hand

Detect Magic


Ray of Frost



Unseen Servant

Burning hands

Summon Monster I

Mage Armor


Acid Arrow

Flaming Sphere


Ranged legerdemain 1/day

Sneak Attack +1d6

Impromptu sneak attack 1/day

Sneak attack +2d6

Ranged legerdemain 2/day


Light Crossbow

Bolts, Crossbow (20)



Explorer’s Attire


Ink Pen

Spell component pouch

Spellbook, wizard’s





Rations, Trail