Peaches and Cream


Disclaimer:..repeat after me. I DO NOT OWN THEM. I do not own them. I only use them for my muses sadistic pleasure..

Pairings: 1x2, RxD, eventually 3x4, 06x13, Ocx5 .which means Yaoi.and yuri.U don't like U don't read.U've been warned.

Authors note: Uh hope this is as good as the first part…its prolly isn’t but I can only hope…sorry to keep u waiting so long, I have an excuse I was doing exams, and still am sorta! But anywayz on with da fic..ENJOY!


Duo held his hand out towards the blue-eyed boy he had danced with. Shaking his hand the boy said “ I am Heero Yuy.” Nodding Duo motioned for the Heero to take a seat on the couch behind him. “Didja enjoy the song?” Duo asked with amused curiosity. Heero blushed “Hn. It was very…uh...enjoyable.” Duo smirked.
‘Knock knock’
Getting up to answer the door Duo murmured to himself “I certainly enjoyed it…” Opening the door to reveal an oriental boy with black hair and coal black eyes Duo practically glomped onto him. “Wu-man!” The boy at the door groaned “Maxwell get off me!” Duo looked at Wufei and blinked his eyelashes innocently. “Now Maxwell!” Pouting the leather-clad boy slithered off Wufei making sure Wufei knew what he had told to get off him.

Turning bright red he pushed past Duo into the room to see Heero sitting on the couch. Bowing towards the boy on the couch he said “I am Chang Wufei, pleased to meet you.” Getting up Heero returned the bow and said his name before sitting down again. Wufei cocked his head to the side “Oh yes…you’re the one Duo was whoring himself to this time.” With that said he took a seat on a stool near the mini bar. “Whoring?” Heero looked at Duo curiously. Glaring at Wufei Duo said “I was NOT whoring myself to anyone Wu-man! Anyway how would you know? You weren’t even there!!!” Raising an eyebrow Wufei said “I didn’t turn up until you had gotten onto the dance floor and the way you were dancing you might as well have been wearing nothing!”

Heero and Duo both blushed at the thoughts that ran through their heads. Duo coughed innocently “I don’t think there was anything wrong with my dancing…did you Heero?” Heero blushed at the thoughts of Duo running his hands up and down his back. “No…nothing.” He stammered out. Wufei scowled “Either way why did you bring him back here for? Isn’t it supposed to be personnel only or something? No...boy toys…wasn’t that what Ms. Catalonia told us?” Duo turned beet red. “Heero’s not!!…I...i just wanted to talk to him… was too loud outside!!” he protested. Heero who was sitting quietly on the lounge also turned a dark red at the thought of being Duo’s boy toy.

“Oh that’s all?” Wufei asked coyly. “Yes!” Duo stated forcibly. “Is this room a band room then?” Heero’s quiet voice asked. Wufei nodded “Yes, it is our room. Even though we are not quite a band, I mean who has a band without a guitarist?! It’s an injustice I tell you!!” Heero looked at Duo “Are you looking for a guitarist?” Duo nodded “But HE can’t just pick one! None of them fit HIS criteria!” Wufei said in an exasperated voice. “I play guitar.” Heero stated. Duo bounced up and down in his seat. “You do!?!?” Heero nodded. “Fine, play the next song with us and you might get a gig!” Duo looked like a giggly girl with his hair flying everywhere. “Uh..but first” he spat out the hair in his mouth “This gets braided!”

Heero watched as Duo braided his hair wondering what it would be like to run his fingers through the long silky locks. He had done it not even half and hour before but it wasn’t enough… Trying to ignore the itch in his fingers to touch Duo’s hair he said “I will play, but I would need to borrow a guitar off someone.” Wufei nodded and got up. “I’ll see if I can borrow one, mean while Duo find the sheet music for him will you.”
Duo picked up a folder and ruffled through it quickly. “Here.” He said as he passed Heero a few sheets of music. “It’s not guitar music exactly but it will do.” Scanning over the music Heero recognized it as an older rock song, pre colony actually. “You like playing older music?” Duo nodded then planted himself on the couch next to Heero.

“I’m surprised he didn’t even put up a fight…” Heero looked up from the music “Wufei? Why?” Duo scrunched his nose up in thought “Well usually it takes a lot to get Wufei to agree with anything and I mean it was out of the blue that I happened to uh bring u back here.” Heero nodded. “Wufei does not seem the type to…make decisions on the fly.” Duo nodded energetically then bounced off the couch. “So where did u learn to play guitar?” Heero grunted as his sifted through the music “I taught my self until I went to SKMT.”

Duo looked at Heero curiously “SKMT? What’s that?” “Sank Kingdom Musical Tech” “Ohhhh, I thought everyone who went there were snobs. I mean the ones we auditioned from there thought we were too…trashy, too…” Heero smirked as the word ‘sexy’ came to mind. “ I dunno, they didn’t like the music we played. One of them came onto Wuffie then got really pissed when he kicked their ass from here to the west side…” Duo grinned remembering the look on Wufei’s face when the guy tried to come on to him then the other guys face as Wufei pounded it into the ground.

Speaking of Wufei, the door slammed shut as he squeezed through the crowd of people who had some how managed to get passed the thug at the door. Panting slightly he passed the guitar he was holding to Heero. Giving him a stern look he said “Don’t even scratch the paint work on it. It’s Relena’s and Dorothy will kill you if you handle it carelessly.” Heero nodded taking note of the warning at the same time. “Well come on! Play for us.” Duo crooned as Heero slipped the guitar strap over his head. Wufei smirked “Yes, lets see if Duo’s intuition was right, or whether it was his libido thinking for him.”

Duo scowled and glared at Wufei. “Hmmphf” was his only comment. Standing up Heero put the first sheet of music on the table in front of him. Duo bounced excitedly around in front of Heero knocking the paper off the table. “Sorry!” he caroled as he picked it up, giving Heero another view of his delicious ass. Gulping nervously he started to play the first few bars of the song. Duo swayed his hips to the melody. Giggling he put his arm around Wufei’s neck. “I think dear boy, that we have found ourselves a guitar player…if he wants?” Heero stopped playing and nodded. “It would be…fun.”

Wufei coughed…fun…yeah he’d have Duo hanging all over the guitar player. How fun indeed.
“I think we had best be getting ready for the next song… we are on in” double checking his watch “10 minutes”. Duo grinned “Well we cant have Heero going on without some prep.” Heero watched as the joyful grin on Duo’s face turned predatory. “Some sprinkles, eye makeup and…ditch the shirt.” Heero glared at Duo. “The shirt stays. No makeup.” Duo sashayed over to Heero. “Please?” he asked quietly using his puppy eyes and pouting lips to force Heero into submission. Heero swallowed nervously. “No.” Turning the puppy eyes on harder he whispered “Please?” Heero didn’t trust his voice so he shook his head. Duo frowned mentally, Heero was stubborn. Pressing his pert behind into Heero’s groin he put his arms around Heero’s neck and pouted. “Pretty please?” Heero’s eyes grew 10 sizes to large for his sockets as Duo squirmed right on top of his already painful erection. Whimpering he hung his head. “Ok.” He whispered quietly. Duo grinned like a cheshire cat and planted a kiss on Heero’s cheek. “I knew you’d see it my way!” Pulling Heero around he stripped him off his shirt and grabbing his makeup kit got to work.

Wufei sighed. He pitied Heero, he really did. He didn’t know what he was getting into by joining the band and by letting Duo get that close to him. Stripping off his shirt he rubbed the glitter gel on to his chest. Heero either had it bad for Duo or he was a sucker. Though he thought amusedly, that hard on he had said that he was anything but a sucker. Grabbing his sticks he was glad that Duo had finally found a guy that wasn’t a total moron. Shuddering at the last guy Duo had as a boy friend. Wufei’s thoughts were interrupted by low moaning. Turning around he found Duo spreading glitter all over Heero’s torso…in ways which were not all together innocent.

“Duo! We have a show, so leave him be.” Duo pouted and removed his hands from Heero’s hair. (..not that hair! Perverts! He he hentai!) “I wasn’t doing anything, we can’t have him getting tense and freezing on us can we?” Wufei looked at his watch. “Out! NOW! Dorothy will have our heads if we’re not on in 30 seconds!” Duo grinned and wiped the last of the glitter over his braid. “Oki! Stress less dude. We have an excuse!” Wufei grabbed Heero by the wrist and pulled him out the door. Heero who had been frozen to the spot by Duo’s attentions followed Wufei out the door guitar in hand. Duo sighed “Spoilsport!” Picking up the sheet music for Heero he dived into the atmosphere of the club.
