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Warning concerning Revolution and Small breed Puppies

SouthPaw Animal Hospital

Comfrey Recipe

GME information

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Canine Epilepsy

Clinics and hospitals

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Canine Epilepsy Network

Canine Health

CRUD (Campylobacteriosis)

Vet Pharmacy

Household Medications for pets

pets’ home medicine chest

Immunization controversy and other health aspects

All-Natural, Herbal Treats and Pet Meals

Adverse Drug Experience Report - Vetrinary

Chocolate Toxicosis information from Roosevelt Animal Hospital

information about Geriatric Vestibular Syndrome

The Dog's Kitchen Newf Goodies Dog Treats


The Anal Sacs Page

Information and Sources on the Bones and Raw Foods Diet

The BARF Pictorial

The BARF Diet

Chihuahuas Table of Puppy Weights Home Made 4 Life Pet Food for dogs, cats, and ferrets

For more information on Lasix

About Feces Eating

Household Poisons

Healthcare Iinsurance For Pets

Dog Owner's Guide - Obesity in Dogs


Obesity Management in the Dog and Cat

Fat animals have same health risks as humans

National Animal Poison Control Center

Care of Elderly Dogs

ASPCA Poison Information

American Veterinary Medical Association's "Care For Pets"

Acme Pet (Pet Care Page)

Doggie Medicine Cabinet

article from the Colorado State University that discusses vaccinations

Robin's Canine Cancer Files

Kennel Cough


Dog Bite

Onions and your Chihuahua

asthma and reverse sneezing...and snoring too

E- Estrus or Heat Cycle


Health Information


Nonstick cooking spray or shortening
3 jars (2 1/2 ounces each) beef or chicken baby food
1/2 cup nonfat dry milk powder
1/2 cup wheat germ or cream of wheat
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Spray a baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray or 
grease with shortening. 
In a mixing bowl, combine all of the remaining ingredients until thoroughly mixed. 
Drop by teaspoonfuls on the prepared baking sheet. Bake for 15 minutes or until brown. 
Remove from the oven and cool on a wire rack. Store in the refrigerator to keep fresh or freeze.
Makes about 2 dozen.
Adapted from the Web site

22 calories (17 percent from fat), trace of fat (0 gram sat. fat), 2 grams carbohydrate, 
3 grams protein, 
13 mg sodium, 5 mg cholesterol, 19 mg calcium, 0 grams fiber.


If you need to _induce_ vomiting, first make sure that it's appropriate to do so. 
Don't induce vomiting

* more than two hours after ingesting problematic substance
* when the substance is an acid, alkali, solvent, or petroleum product, 
   as it will do as much damage on the way up as it did the way down
* when dog is comatose or very depressed

To induce vomiting:

* 1 teaspoon hydrogen peroxide per 30lbs body weight; give once, repeat after 
   ten minutes; don't administer more than three times; some dogs will drool and 
    look miserable before vomiting
* 1 teaspoon syrup of Ipecac per 10lbs body weight; works quickly
* 1/2 to 1 teaspoon salt placed far back on the tongue or dissolved in 1 oz water; 
   do _not_ repeat dosage; dry mustard powder (same instructions) may be substituted

Local Poison Control Centers

Check the emergency room of the local hospital and ask for the number of the local 
Poison Control Center. You should have this number up on the refrigerator alongside the 
vet's number and the emergency care number.

National Animal Poison Control Center

The National Animal Poison Control Center (NAPCC) provides a 24-hour emergency hotline
 that every dog owner should keep in plain sight. The hotline numbers are (800)548-2423 
and (900)680-0000. The 800 number requires a credit card number and charges a flat $30; 
the 900 number is $2.95 per minute for a maximum of $30.

The NAPCC is a non-profit service of the University of Illinois and is the first animal-oriented 
poison center in the United States. Since 1978, it has provided advice to animal owners and 
conferred with veterinarians about poisoning exposures. The NAPCC's phones are answered 
by licensed veterinarians and board-certified veterinary toxicologists. They have specialized 
information that lets the experienced NAPCC staff make specific recommendations for your 
animals; plus over 250,000 records are in their database.

When you call, be ready to provide:

* Your name, address, and phone number;
* If calling the 800 number, your credit card number;
* The species, breed, age, sex, weight, and number of animals involved;
* The poison your animals have been exposed to, if known;
* Information concerning the poisoning (the amount of poison, the time since exposure, etc.);
* The problems your animals are experiencing.

Household products and plants are the most common culprits in poisoning cases. 
In the case of poisoning from household products, many companies cover the costs the
 pet owners incur when it has been determined that their product is responsible for the reaction.

For further information, write to: 
The American Humane Association
 63 Inverness Drive East
Englewood, CO 80112-5117
or call (303)792-9900.


Chocolate, tea, coffee, cola:

It is not chocolate itself that is poisonous to dogs, it is the theobromine, a naturally occurring
 compound found in chocolate. Theobromine causes different reactions to different dogs:
 dogs with health problems, especially epilepsy, are more affected by theobromine than
healthy dogs. Theobromine can trigger epileptic seizures in dogs prone to or at risk of epilepsy.
The size of the dog will also be a major factor: the smaller the dog, the more affected it is by
the same amount than a larger dog. Therefore, toxicity is described on a mg/Kg basis.

Furthermore, theobromine can cause cardiac irregularity, especially if the dog becomes excited.
Cardiac arythmia can precipitate a myocardial infarct which can kill the dog.

Theobromine also irritates the GI tract and in some dogs can cause internal bleeding which in
some cases kills them a day or so later.

Theobromine is also present in differing amounts in different kinds of chocolate. milk chocolate
 has 44-66 mg/oz, dark chocolate 450 mg/oz and baking/bitter chocolate or cocoa powder
varies as much as 150-600 mg/oz. How much chocolate a dog can survive depends on its
weight (and other unknown circumstances). Under 200 mg theobromine per kg body weight
no deaths have been observed.

Theobromine will stay in the bloodstream between 14 and 20 hours. It goes back into
the bloodstream through the stomach lining and takes a long time for the liver to filter out.

Within two hours of ingestion, try inducing vomiting unless your dog is markedly stimulated,
comatose, or has lost the gag reflex. If your dog has eaten a considerable amount of chocolate,
or displays any of the above symptoms, take it to the vet without delay.

In the absence of major symptoms, administer activated charcoal. The unabsorbed
theobromine will chemically bond to this and be eliminated in the feces. In pinch, burnt
(as in thoroughly burnt, crumbling in hand) toast will do.


Walnuts are poisonous to dogs and should be avoided. In particular, there is a type of
fungus common to walnuts (especially wet deadfall walnuts) that will cause severe episodes
of seizuring. Many nuts are not good for dogs in general, their high phosporous content is
said to possibly lead to bladder stones.


Onions, especially raw onions, have been shown to trigger hemolytic anemia in dogs.
(Stephen J Ettinger, D.V.M and Edward C. Fieldman, D.V.M. 's book: Textbook of
Veterinary Internal Medicine vol. 2 pg 1884.) Also: "Six Cases of Heinz Body
Haemolytic Anaemia Induced by Onion and/or Garlic Ingestion" - CM Edwards and
CJ Belford Aust.Vet.Prac. 26 (1) March 1996, 18-22.

Potato poisonings among people and dogs have occurred. Solanum alkaloids can be
 found in in green sprouts and green potato skins, which occurs when the tubers are
exposed to sunlight during growth or after harvest. The relatively rare occurrence of
actual poisoning is due to several factors: solanine is poorly absorbed; it is mostly
 hydrolyzed into less toxic solanidinel; and the metabolites are quickly eliminated.
Note that cooked, mashed potatoes are fine for dogs, actually quite nutritious and digestible.

Turkey skin is currently thought to cause acute pancreatis in dogs.

Poisonous houseplants

In assessing the risk to your dog from these plants, you need to consider both the
age of your dog and it's propensity to chew on plants. Many of the below toxic plants
 rarely cause problems because most dogs don't chew them -- the exceptions being,
of course, young puppies who are inclined to explore the world with their mouths,
teething dogs who may chew on _everything_, and older dogs that are simply fond of chewing.
Oleander, for example, is rather toxic, but most cases of poisoning involve 1) cattle,
other grazing livestock 2) puppies and 3) human babies/toddlers.

Dumb cane is probably the one plant that should always be kept out of reach, since it takes
only one nibble to have a potentially fatal situation.

(from Carlson & Giffin.)

* That give rash after contact with the skin or mouth: (mums might produce dermatitis)

       chrysanthemum        poinsettia           creeping fig
       weeping fig          spider mum           pot mum

* Irritating (toxic oxalates), especially the mouth gets swollen; tongue pain; sore lips; some swell so
quickly a tracheotomy is needed before asphyxiation:

       arrowhead vine       majesty              boston ivy
       neththytis ivy       colodium             pathos
       emerald duke         red princess         philodendron
       split leaf (phil.)   saddle leaf (phil.)  marble queen

* Toxic plants - may contain wide variety of poisons. Most cause vomiting, abdominal pain,
cramps. Some cause tremors, heart and respiratory and/or kidney problems, which are
difficult for owner to interpret:

       amaryllis            elephant ears        pot mum
       asparagus fern       glocal ivy           ripple ivy
       azalea               heart ivy            spider mum
       bird of paradise     ivy                  sprangeri fern
       creeping charlie     jerusalem cherry     umbrella plant
       crown of thorns      needlepoint ivy

Poisonous outdoor plants

(from Carlson & Giffin.)

* Produce vomiting and diarrhea in some cases:

    delphinium           poke weed            indian tobacco
    daffodil             bittersweet woody    wisteria
    castor bean          ground cherry        soap berry
    indian turnip        fox glove            skunk cabbage

* May produce vomiting, abdominal pain, and in some cases diarrhea.

horse chestnut           buckeye          western yew      almond rain              tree monkey pod  english holly    peach,                   cherry           apricot,              privet                   wild cherry      mock orange
japanese plum            american yew     bird of paradise
balsam pear              english yew      black locust

* Varied toxic effect

    rhubarb               buttercup           moonseed
    spinach               nightshade          may apple
    sunburned potatoes    poison hemolock     dutchman's breeches
    tomato vine           jimson weed         mescal bean
    loco weed             pig weed            angel's trumpet
    lupine                water hemlock       jasmine
    dologeton             mushrooms           matrimony vine
    dumb cane

* Hallucinogens

    marijuana             periwinkle          morning glory
    peyote                nutmeg              loco weed

* Convulsions

    china berry           nux vomica          coriaria
    water hemlock         moon weed

Poisonous household items

Acetaminophen                   Laxatives
AntiFreeze                      Lead
Aspirin                         Lye
Bleach                          Matches
Boric Acid                      Metal Polish
Brake Fluid                     Mineral Spirits
Carbon Monoxide                 Mothballs
Carbuerator Cleaner             Nail Polish and Remover
Christmas Tinsel                Paint & Remover
Cleaning Fluid                  Perm Solutions
Deoderants/Deoderizers          Phenol
Detergents                      Photo Developer
Disinfectants                   Rat Poison
Drain Cleaner                   Rubbing Alcohol
Dye                             Shoe Polish
Fungicides                      Sleeping Pills
Furniture Polish                Soaps
Gasoline                        Suntan Lotions
Hair Colorings                  Tar
Herbicides                      Turpentine
Insecticides                    Windshield Fluid
Kerosene                        Woodstains

Poisonous animals

Bufo toads. Found in various areas, especially in south Florida. Very poisonous --
it can kill a small dog in a matter of minutes. It burns the mucous membrane of the
mouth (gums) which is why they drool and foam, and that's also how it enters the
bloodstream. It kills by elevating the heart rate and blood pressure to deadly levels,
similar to the effects of chocolate. There is an antidote and the effects can be lessened
if you immediately flush the dog's mouth with water before taking it to the vet.


When a dog has stopped breathing, artificial respiration can be given. Be very careful when
attempting this, because even dogs who are in respiratory arrest can shut their jaws by reflex.
You should acquaint yourself with the normal appearance of your dog's mouth (that is, the
relative position of his teeth, tongue, etc.) in the event that you need to give him artificial

Open the dog's mouth and check for obstructions. Extend the tongue and look into his throat
to make sure the airway is clear. Remove any mucous or blood from his mouth, then close it
and hold it gently closed.

Inhale and then cover the dog's nose with your mouth and exhale gently. Do not blow hard.
Carefully force air into the lungs and watch his chest for expansion. Repeat every five to
six seconds, or ten to twelve breaths per minute.

Source: The American Kennel Club's Complete Dog Book