times since Jan 25th, 1999

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click onImportant Statement
The Rat House is located in Texas between Austin and San Antonio. It is dedicated to the best small pets-- Rats! Rats are clean and smart and --unlike hamsters-- are very social and affectionate. If you never had a pet rat before, please, check out the rat fanclub where you can read the RatReport for more information. Another good source is For the Love of Rats or bclee'rats.

Rats come in many varieties. Here at Rat House we have standard (smooth coat), rex (textured coat), siamese (color like a siamese cat) and dumbo rats (rats with larger, round ears...very cute!)
We only have a few litters a year and all babies have been handled with affection since day 1 to make them extra special, loving pets. I feel this is
what makes our rattery unique and special. Lots of time is spend with each animal and I am just as excited about my mismarked berks as I am about my more glamorous babies. Parents are selected by temperament and health first, looks second... Although I do have to admit: I have a pretty good-looking bunch ;)

If you would like to get a pet rat or have any questions about them, please email me at
Welcome to my
Rat House!

This is the main page.
There are links thrown
around everywhere!
-But what did you
expect...It's a RatHouse!
... actually--get two. Rats get lonely by themselves. I strongly encourage you to keep them in same-sex pairs.
If you would like to know about my rats, upcoming litters, and other breeder's links please, clickHERE
see my CAGE or NEW Rat Games here
Delivery&Order Infoclick here
Most Current Litter: click HERE
To see more rat varieties click HERE
More links below!!! Keep scrolling...
*We NEVER inbreed
*We don't mass-produce
*We don't ship unless
*We never sell rats as feeders
We received this award from The RatStation
I got pictures, animations, etc from several free sources off the web:
Animation by AnimalHut
I have Music from HERE ...but you probably can't hear it... ;)
And some pictures from the Web Library.
Thank you!
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