Cupid's arrows aren't pink or red ...
They're invisible!
Red ... the color of blood
Is the color of devotion and loyalty.
White is the color of purity ...
But in some Eastern countries,
It is the color used for mourning the dead.
Pink was usually considered a color for boys
before the 1920's!
In Asia and the Middle East ...
Red and orange are joyful, festival colors.
Blue is considered a color
Of trust and reliability ... like in "true blue."
Maybe that's why policemen
and baseball umpires
often wear blue uniforms!
Purple was long considered a royal color.
That's because purple dyes were very hard
to make and only the rich could afford
clothing that was dyed purple.
Green is a color of hope ...
Since the returning of green plants
in the springtime shows the world
the coming to life after winter.