12/14/00 03:12:27
Name: Snakeeyes035 My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: Oregon, USA

I think ur page is really cool, i really like it!

12/13/00 13:09:22
Name: rashard My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: USA

Nice web man i have a question what does it mean when a hamster has red eyes

12/13/00 13:09:15
Name: rashard My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: USA

Nice web man i have a question what does it mean when a hamster has red eyes

12/13/00 13:07:45
Name: rashard
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


12/10/00 02:09:01
Name: Aphrodite

I think your site is a brilliant idea and it is very informative. I have two dwarf hamsters of my own.

12/03/00 06:34:15
Name: Bridgett My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: U.S. /Georgia

I currently have two Campbells and would like to receive additional information on health and care of my hamsters; in addition to, indicators of illness and the type of illnesses this breed of hamster can acquire. I think,(<:) I have a male and a femal and they are approximatley 7 weeks old. I am definitely not ready for a litter of baby hamsters, should I place them in separate cages or maybe place a divider in the cage to ensure they do not mate. Is there a certain time that a female can conceive or is she in a constant state of fertility? Thanks p.s. you have a great site!

10/30/00 02:32:35
Name: Pyro-God
My URL: Visit Me

uhhh, i only entered this cause i thought it said ZERGLING from StarCraft......well Starcraft and hamsters are my favorististlist things so i came in....:(

10/28/00 18:51:58
Name: Celine My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: Singapore

Hi.. cool webpage. Nice hamsters pics. Cute.. :p

10/27/00 10:15:55
Name: Martina My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: Austria

Hi! We've got Dwarf-Hamsters too. Visit them at: http://www.unet.univie.ac.at/~a9105295/hamstercam

10/26/00 00:00:10
Name: NMexBrowns My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: USA

We enjoyed your web page...WE are new owners of Dwarf Hamsters. WE love them and enjoyed sharing your knowledge of these adorable creatures...thanks again :o)

10/05/00 02:58:32
Name: brandy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: kansas city mo

I realy liked your website I realy learnd alot about hamsters just by reading your website. I have two hamsters myself and I just breeded them recently and my female ginger just had her 2nd litter three days ago. when I bought her at the pet store she was already expecting and she had two babys but they didn't servive.

09/26/00 00:38:17
Name: Bella My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: USA

I am looking for a Chinese Dwarf Hamster for my 10 year old son. I live in Long Island, New York. Please advise. Thank You, Bellababe61@aol.com

09/26/00 00:36:05
My URL: Visit Me


09/25/00 11:20:59
My Email: Email Me Country: U.S.A.


09/25/00 00:14:27
Name: LL My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: US

Ur website is tite. hanks for the info. I should help me maintain my 12 Dwarf hamsters

09/23/00 15:28:27
Name: Bob & Krista Ward My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: United States

I really enjoyed your web site about Hamsters. I found the information most valuable and I would appreciate an e-mail so we can discuss this subject further. Maybe you can give me some good tips on raising my own hamsters. I will recommend your site to all of my friends. Thank You Very Much, Bob & Krista Ward

09/23/00 14:25:06
Name: PATRICIA My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: U.S

My children and I enjoyed your web page very much We have four cambells Russian Dwarft Hamsters that we love and enjoy so much.I was wondering why I lost two males at the age of six weeks and eight weeks old.There was no sight of any thing wrong with them as we cuold see.Maybe you can help us with an answer.Thankyou so much!!!!!Patricia

09/22/00 05:51:58
Name: Jess My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: US

Hey! Thanks for all the hamster facts, they really came in handy, by the way, cool site! Keep it up!

09/20/00 23:46:06
Name: Tamara N Brown My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: United States Of America

There Adorable little Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09/20/00 03:40:04
Name: Jonathan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: USA

Love homsters love to breed um

09/06/00 07:46:37
Name: RainZ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: s'pore

hi! Nice site you have here. I really like the pictures of the many diff types of hamsters. Keep it Up!

09/03/00 21:42:21
Name: Julie Mardis
My URL: Visit Me
Country: United States


08/14/00 09:34:55
Name: purple_pineapple_2000
Country: Canada

Love ur site. I just adopted a Rusian Dwarf Hamster (male, normal coat) from a family that was neglecting him(they even thought he was a girl) and I was looking for info on how to best take care of him. His new name is Z...it was Zelda

08/10/00 22:48:18
Name: kelsie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: washingtion

i like your site it is really cool!

08/05/00 12:45:26
Name: Butterfly Sunflower My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: Petsburgh


*Each Day I Fly
Into The Sky
Spreading Some Cheer
To You, My Dears
So If You're Down In The Dumps
Just Come To Me And I'll Bring You Up!....

08/04/00 00:06:19
Name: Sarah My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: USA

I think you hamsters are very cute. I have been wanting a hamster all my life. You know a lot about hamsters. Thank you for this cool web site. Sarah

08/02/00 03:34:09
Name: Rosalyn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: usa

Yo Zerlings dude, Your site is cool. The dwarf hamster pics are so cute

08/01/00 19:56:50
Name: Butterfly Morning Glory My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: USA

Butterfly Morning Glory Was Here! Wishing you good cheer in the Blue Ribbon Contest.

07/28/00 03:42:50
Name: Raymond Bailey My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: USA

Loved your the pictures!

07/26/00 17:16:52
Name: Jaimie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: USA

Hey, neat site!/I'm thinking about getting a hamster I already have a (white feeder mouse) and I don't expect to keep them in the same cage it's just that I'm not exactly sure what kind of hamster to get and what kinds pet stores have and don't have I've seen heteddy bears alot but I just want to know from an expert what is the best kind thanx for any help! =)

07/25/00 18:03:22
Name: Brandi My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: USA

You have a good imformative page if I were rating 10-0 (10 the highest) it would be an 8!

07/24/00 16:13:53
Name: CARINE NG My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: Singapore

Your back ground colour is too dark. Any way thank you for giving us your male hamster.

07/22/00 06:21:36
Name: Sandi My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: USA

You have a nice informative website. I enjoyed visiting very much. Thanks, Sandi Petsburgh Community Leader

07/20/00 09:51:32
Name: Khairul
My Email: Email Me
Country: Singapore

Hi, great info and pictures! Can you please help me? I wanted to know if you sell your hamsters and if you do, I have 5 winter whites for sale. Willing to sell from $15-$20 but the price is negotiable, can discuss with thev owner.

07/08/00 15:48:33
Name: jeff My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: Singapore

Great site, very clear and big pictures! For you information, I have some dwarfs hamsters of my own too...

07/03/00 23:19:47
Name: Cassie
My URL: Visit Me

Bravo! Great site! Wonderful Dwarf Hamster photos!

06/29/00 05:52:57
Name: Alycia My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: USA

Your pages are very helpful in determining what kinds of Hamsters there are.

06/29/00 05:52:35
Name: Alycia My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: USA

Your pages are very helpful in determining what kinds of Hamsters there are.

06/23/00 02:06:28
Name: Hamstermaniac My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: Illinois

Site's great my hamster Rad love's this site!Man it's cool!

06/23/00 02:04:23
Name: Hamstermaniac My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: Illinois

Site's great my hamster Rad love's this site!Man it's cool!

06/19/00 08:31:19
Name: Ellen \Butler My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: Birmingham, England

I like your site

06/08/00 22:38:17
Name: Laurie Seaman My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: United States

Love your site. I have 2 Chinese Dwarfs and 1 White Russian Dwarf very cute. Keep up the good work!

05/29/00 13:43:57
Name: Stanley Lee My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: Singapore

Hi there, Just visited your webpage. I must say you are really an expert over those hamster. Just can't imagine how you can keep 200 ++ of those in your house. PEI FU PEI FU !!

04/09/00 02:59:37
Name: BumBleBee My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: Singapore

Pretty interesting website. I like the photos.

02/26/00 02:01:52
My Email: Email Me Country: SINGAPORE

O'my god,Irene Foo thanks for your homepage that u given 2 me.Well done and keep update your pages,keep in-touch.

01/16/00 12:56:35
Name: sam My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: spore

Very nice pics. Btw how long have you been keeping these creatures?? Is it ok to keep just one hamster or must they be kept in pairs or group??

12/15/99 03:53:48
Name: William
My URL: Visit Me
Country: Singapore

Love to take adopt some hamsters, willing to pay $5-$20 depending on the types of hamsters. If you are giving up your hamster, please call me. I am also willing to buy your cage. HP 97989801.

12/09/99 11:22:06
Name: Nancy
My URL: Visit Me
Country: Singapore

Nice pictures.

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