I am a sweet little old male, introvert when I meet someone new. I open-up slowly when i start getting acquainted to the person. I'm a crack head, always full of wisecracks, jovial guy... Who likes to see everyone around him, smile. I like frankness the most in a relationship, being frank and truthful is something which I consider as the most important element for a successful relation to be everlasting. You see anyone wud get offended when he/she comes to know something about you and you call him/her your friend, and when he/she confronts you about it... you deny it. Wud'nt that person get a thought like "oh, maybe he doesn’t want to share it with me, even though I'm his friend"?
I hate liars/hypocrites. I don't like people who boast or show off. Those people who are truly whacky, and naughty... Make me smile, and sometimes even laugh.
I like to party, but now I don't have so many friends with whom I can go out.. as most of them are busy working or doing their own business. So, even I spend most of my time on my computer or rarely go out to meet friends. Freaking out has totally got out of my list now a days :( However, freakin' out still is something I'd love to do.
I'm no macho guy who smokes and has muscles to show off or full of wealth. I never lie [but sometimes for fun which won’t go serious!], I face life as it comes. I take tension so soon and short tempered guy.. I believe in enjoying life to the max.
I'm very much a single ;)

I've not fallen in love yet. Been waiting for that Ms. Right since a looong time now. But I know it's gonna take longer than expected for her to come before me, or for me to find her, cuz my Ms. Right has so many good qualities which I see in her, that I'm sure that God hasn’t made her thinking no one wud ask for her. Little does he know, I do. If you see God, please tell him about my wish.
Whenever I see a couple coochie-cooing in some corner, I, for a second, feel envious of the male in the couple. I want to be in that position too, I'm longing to fall in love. I want to see how it feels to be in Love, I want to see what love is all about; I want to know what's so special about love that when one falls into the love trap, that person tends to forget about the rest of the world.
My idea about romance is totally different from all the others, if not all, at least most of the others. I Wud’nt want to go to parties, pubs, and -total- freakin' out with my girl. I Wud’nt like to always be in a crowd when I'm with my beloved. For me, being alone, all to ourselves is my idea of being romantic, showing our love to each other.
A perfect date to me is a cool cheese sandwich, coupla Miranda bottles, you, me and car, with the a/c on, raining on the outside, light music turned on.. And weeee... We go on a sweet, romantic long drive. Spending time with ourselves, talking to each other, laughing and teasing -all this is so different when you compare it with going to a party and dancing your minds out which doesn’t even have a single itsy bitsy bit of the romantic element involved. And you call that love?
By the way I've been talking in a negative manner about going to pubs and freakin' out and stuff, I'm sure you must be thinking that I totally desist all of those. But, you're wrong. I do like to attend parties ... But only with a group of friends or even with Ms. Right around. I feel that these places are just not the right places to be romantic with all that loud music around. Do you think you can even whisper to your companion trying to be romantic, in a Party?

A friend in need is a friend indeed -Whoever said that is someone who doesn’t know what friendship means, a total idiot. This saying gives me the feeling that friends are only made for the need factor, that friends come into picture only when the need arises. Bullcrap!!
For me it's divine. I maintain my friendships very well, I'm there for them when they feel they need a friend, I care for my friends, and I'm always understanding. I'd like my friends to be the same too.I seriously like people with knowledge, who are smart and broad-minded. And yeah, I don't like those total introverts too, I mean come on, life is to enjoy! Enjoy for sometime at least!
Sometimes (since sometime, it became most of the times) when I'm low, I'd love to be comforted by a friend. Which hasn’t happened to me yet, cuz I never even show my feelings.
To me, age isn’t a problem at all. I don't mind having a very young friend or an elder friend. But, I observed, elder friends are always supportive and encouraging.

I like a girl with moist lips. The lips are the most tempting part of a woman's face. Moist and pout lips like those of Anjelina Jolie, sure make my day. I like women with good facial features. The eyes are the most beautiful part of the woman's face. A woman can turn on or turn off a man thru her eyes. I do not much care for the colour of a woman's complexion but I certainly don't like made-up (make-up) and artificial looks. The thing which usually is a great turn on for me is silky hair and a good way of speaking. I instantly start liking a girl who has these 'things' in abundance. The most beautiful woman for me is the one who doesn’t wear any make-up and exhibits her simplicity, rather than her body.
A woman with a good body obviously turns on every man. I don’t believe in the 36-34-36 figure, but a perfect proportion is what matters. What is more important is how a woman carries and presents herself. But when it comes to my woman, I wud'nt like her to reveal her body too much. I don't like nudity and believe that a woman can show off her body even in a chudidar (An India dress) or even in a pair of jeans and T-shirt, or even a sari (Another Indian dress)
Like I stated earlier, a woman's beauty lies in her simplicity. She has to be good-hearted, honest, and down-to-earth. I don't like pretentious women. They're such turn-offs. Coming back to my woman, she has to be a blend of looks, body, and good nature apart from being caring, understanding and romantic (as I am). I don't like to smoke; neither will I like to see my girl smoking. Smoking is evil; all it does is more harm than good. It's not that I don't smoke for these reasons trying to keep my health in a sound state, but just cuz I hate smoking. I don't like that smoke at all.
For the present, I'm footloose and fancy-free, but I know that I'd never fall for those glitzy, glamorous girls one sees everyday. After having said all this, I know that I'll never be able to tell a female all this face-to-face, as I'm a shy guy (at least till I know the girl for quite sometime)

I like nature, I'd love to be stranded on an Island full of nature's treasures (that certainly shouldn’t have those wild animals who'd love to taste flesh) I love a peaceful environment... Gives such a nice peace of mind. Babies, I love babies... Those cootchie coo types.
I love good music, esp. Trance and rock and melody, though I'm no die-hard fan. Same applies to movies. I spend most of the time on my computer, I love spending time on it actually. These days, as I have not much work apart from shop work... This is my favorite pastime. I even don't like to waste time to go to the dining hall to have food, when I'm hooked to my pc.
I like chocolates and ice creams, spending time in my bathroom.. Looking into the mirror trying to act/look like a funny person I saw on TV or on the road or the most happening model hunk.

I don't think I have many dislikes... except liars and show-offs. If i remember something I don't like... I'll make sure I update this space.