cat crossing gif
This page is dedicated to the memory of Mama Cat, Dusty, Midnight, and Jake. I miss you guys.

Meet my cats!

Friskie, age 14 (3/92- ), is a female orange tabby who lives at Mom's house.
Chelsea, age 10 (5/96- ), is a female silver tabby who also lives at Mom's house.
Midnight, age 17 (1981-1998), was a big black tomcat who also lived at Mom's house until his death in December 1998.
Dusty, age 5 (2/93-1998), was a male silver tabby who resided at Dad's house until his disappearance in 1998.
Jake (1998-2000) and Tommy, age 8 (1998- ), adorable little silver tabby siblings, were never apart until Jake disappeared. Now only Tommy lives with Dad.

Meet my catz!

Catz are virtual pets produced by PF.Magic, Inc., that live and play on your computer. I installed the program in college, in hopes of avoiding going into cat withdrawal while away at school.
To see my first four little virtual kitties, Patches, Pouncer, Biscuit, and Wendy, visit my Petz page.

Cat Pages

Maggie's Musings, thoughts on life from a cat's view
Cat Stuff, an awesome cat site with thousands of graphics, among other things.
4 USA cat stamps.

E-mail me at to chat about cats.

This page last updated on 7/9/06

Cat Stuff